Creating Safer Workspaces:

Rating : 4.8

Total Learning Time: 45 min

Contains end-of-course Assessment

Number of Courses: 3

Delivery: SCORM Package

As an employer, your role transcends beyond business operations and profit margins; it extends to creating and maintaining a workplace where safety, respect, and equality are ideals and everyday realities. The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act in India reinforces this responsibility, mandating a secure and dignified work environment for all employees. However, the essence of POSH training goes beyond legal compliance; it's about nurturing a workplace culture where every individual feels valued, heard, and protected.

You might recognize the critical need for POSH training but wonder about its tangible impact. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a complex challenge that, if unaddressed, can erode the core of your organization's culture, affecting employee morale, productivity, and even your company's reputation. Equipping yourself and your team with a deep understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment, the legal obligations under the Indian POSH Act, and effective redressal mechanisms is prudent and imperative.

Acknowledging this essential need, PlayAblo has developed a comprehensive POSH training course tailored for today's dynamic workplace environments, accessible through our advanced Learning Management System. Our objective is to empower you with actionable insights and practical tools to meet the legal requirements and to lead by example in fostering a workplace that champions respect and dignity for all.

With PlayAblo's LMS, this POSH training course is designed to be engaging, interactive, and easily integrated into your existing training programs, ensuring that the principles of POSH are seamlessly woven into the fabric of your organization's culture.

The Courses Include:


Greivance Redressal under POSH Act

Employer's role in preventing sexual harassment

About This Course Bundle

Rating : 4.8

Total Learning Time: 45 min

Number of Courses: 3

Contains end-of-course Assessment

Delivery: SCORM Package

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PlayAblo Course Offering on POSH Training

Overview of the Indian POSH Act

Our POSH training materials are tailored to demystify the legal landscape - offering you a clear, actionable framework to navigate its requirements. But we go beyond mere compliance. Our POSH trainer certification curriculum delves into an in-depth analysis of what truly constitutes sexual harassment, challenging common misconceptions and illuminating the subtle dynamics that often go unnoticed.

The Indian POSH Act, officially titled the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, is a landmark piece of legislation that seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at their place of work.

This Act was a response to the 1997 Supreme Court judgment in the case of Vishaka and others v. State of Rajasthan, which recognized sexual harassment as a violation of the fundamental rights of women to equality under Articles 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution, and their right to life and to live with dignity under Article 21.

The Indian POSH Act was necessitated by the urgent need to provide a safe working environment for women, where their fundamental rights are respected and protected. Before the enactment of this law, workplace harassment was addressed under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Indian Evidence Act, without a singular focus on sexual harassment or a standardized procedure for redressal.

Historical Context and Legislative Underpinnings

The POSH Act's roots lie in the international commitment to gender equality and human rights, particularly the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), to which India is a signatory.

The Vishaka Guidelines, laid down by the Supreme Court in 1997, served as the de facto law for addressing workplace sexual harassment in India until the POSH Act was enacted in 2013. These guidelines were instrumental in shaping the provisions of the Indian POSH Act, ensuring a more robust and comprehensive legal framework.

Key Components of the Act

The Indian POSH Act includes several key components that collectively aim to create a safer work environment for women:

1. Definition of Sexual Harassment:

The Act provides a broad definition of sexual harassment to include any unwelcome act or behavior, whether directly or by implication, such as physical contact, a demand or request for sexual favors, making sexually colored remarks, showing pornography, or any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

2. Preventive Measures:

The Indian POSH Act mandates employers to take steps to prevent sexual harassment by creating a policy against sexual harassment, conducting employee awareness and training programs, and creating a conducive environment for reporting incidents without fear of reprisal.

3. Employer Obligations:

Employers are required to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at every office or branch with 10 or more employees. The Act lays down the process for the resolution, settlement, or prosecution of sexual harassment complaints, including the provision for an appeal.

4. Redressal Mechanism:

The Indian Posh Act outlines a detailed process for the complaint and inquiry that needs to be followed by the ICC, including the timeline for submitting a complaint, the inquiry process, and the action to be taken upon the conclusion of the inquiry.

5. Safeguards against False Accusations:

The Act also provides safeguards against malicious or false accusations of sexual harassment, including provisions for action to be taken against individuals making false allegations.

The Indian POSH Act represents a significant advancement in the Indian legal system's approach to dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace. By providing a clear definition of harassment, outlining the responsibilities of employers, and setting up a mechanism for the redressal of complaints, the Act aims to ensure that women can work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination, thus enabling them to work to their fullest potential.

What Amounts to Sexual Harassment?

Understanding what constitutes sexual harassment under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act is crucial for maintaining a respectful and safe workplace. The Act defines sexual harassment broadly to include any unwelcome act or behavior with a sexual connotation. This expansive definition ensures that various forms of inappropriate behavior are covered, from overt physical contact to subtler forms of harassment that might not be immediately recognized as such.

Unwelcome Acts or Behavior

1. Physical Contact and Advances:

Any unwelcome physical contact, including touching, patting, pinching, or brushing against an individual's body, falls under sexual harassment.

2. Demand or Request for Sexual Favors:

This includes any unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct where submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of an individual's employment or is used as a basis for employment decisions.

3. Sexually Colored Remarks:

Comments, jokes, or gestures that are of a sexual nature and make the recipient uncomfortable constitute sexual harassment.

4. Showing Pornography:

The display of pornographic or sexually explicit images, videos, or material in the workplace is a clear form of sexual harassment.

5. Any Other Unwelcome Physical, Verbal, or Non-verbal Conduct of Sexual Nature:

This catch-all category covers a wide range of actions, from leering and stalking to sending unwelcome sexually suggestive texts or emails.

Illustrative Examples

● A manager making unwelcome advances towards a subordinate with implications that favoritism in promotion or assignment could follow compliance.

● Colleagues engaging in "banter" that includes explicit sexual jokes or innuendos directed at or in the presence of someone who finds it offensive.

● Sharing sexually explicit content via email or social media platforms within the workplace, creating an uncomfortable environment.

● Unwanted, deliberate physical contact, such as "accidental" brushing up against someone or unnecessary touching during conversations.

Misconceptions and Grey Areas

● Consent and Reciprocity:

A key aspect often misunderstood is the role of consent. Any behavior that is not mutually welcome or reciprocated can be considered harassment, even if there was no intention to harass.

● Power Dynamics:

Harassment often involves a misuse of power, not necessarily limited to hierarchical relationships but also in instances where the harasser holds some form of influence over the victim's career or work environment.

● Cultural Sensitivities:

What might be considered acceptable behavior in one cultural context could be viewed as inappropriate or harassing in another, making sensitivity to cultural differences vital.

It's important for both employers and employees to recognize these behaviors and understand the broad scope of what can constitute sexual harassment under the Indian POSH Act. This awareness is essential in fostering a workplace environment that is safe, respectful, and inclusive for everyone.

Grievance Redressal Mechanisms

It's imperative to understand and implement the formal processes for lodging and resolving complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace, as outlined by the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act. A cornerstone of this process is the effective management and operation of the Internal Complaints Committee, which you are mandated to establish.

Establishing the ICC

Under the Indian POSH Act, you are required to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee at every office or branch of your organization with 10 or more employees. The ICC must be composed of:

● A presiding officer (who must be a woman at a senior level in your organization)

● Not less than two members from among your employees who have a background in social work or legal knowledge

● An external member from an NGO or association committed to the cause of women or familiar with issues of sexual harassment

Key Responsibilities of the ICC

Inquiry Process:

Upon receiving a written complaint of sexual harassment, the ICC is tasked with initiating and conducting a thorough and confidential inquiry. The process must be carried out with sensitivity, ensuring the dignity and privacy of all involved parties are maintained.

Interim Relief:

The ICC has the authority to recommend to you, as the employer, any interim relief measures for the complainant, such as transfer, leave, or any other appropriate action, to prevent further harassment or victimization during the inquiry.

Concluding the Inquiry:

Should the ICC find the allegations to be substantiated, they must recommend to you the necessary disciplinary actions against the perpetrator, which could range from a written apology to termination, depending on the severity of the case. Additionally, the ICC may suggest remedial measures for the complainant.

Preventing Retaliation:

A critical function of the ICC is to ensure that the complainant and any witnesses are protected from retaliation or victimization for coming forward or participating in the inquiry process.

As an employer, your role is to ensure the formation and proper functioning of the ICC and to foster an organizational culture where such complaints are taken seriously, and the redressal process is accessible and trusted. By adhering to the guidelines set forth by the Indian POSH Act and empowering the ICC to perform its duties effectively, you contribute to creating a safer, more respectful workplace where every employee's rights and dignity are upheld.

Employer’s Role in Preventing Sexual Harassment

Your pivotal role in preventing sexual harassment within the workplace cannot be overstated. Your actions and policies set the tone for the organizational culture and demonstrate a commitment to a safe, inclusive, and respectful work environment. Implementing effective strategies and best practices is essential to not only comply with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act but also to foster a workplace where every employee feels valued and protected.

Policy Development

1. Comprehensive POSH Policy:

The foundation of preventing sexual harassment is a comprehensive policy that clearly defines what constitutes unacceptable behavior, outlines the consequences of such actions, and details the complaint and redressal process. This policy should be aligned with the Indian POSH Act's guidelines and be easily accessible to all employees.

2. Zero Tolerance Stance:

Your policy should articulate a zero-tolerance stance towards any form of sexual harassment, emphasizing that such behavior will not be overlooked, regardless of the perpetrator's position within the company.

3. Inclusivity and Diversity:

Ensure that your policy acknowledges and respects diversity, including gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and disability, to foster an inclusive environment where everyone's rights are protected.

Employee Training and Awareness

1. Regular Training Sessions:

Conduct regular, mandatory POSH training sessions for all employees, including senior management, to educate them about the POSH policy, the nuances of sexual harassment, and the importance of a respectful workplace. Use interactive methods such as workshops, role-playing, and case studies to enhance understanding and engagement.

2. Orientation for New Employees:

Include POSH training courses in the induction program for new hires to ensure they understand your organization's policies and expectations from the start.

3. Empowering Employees:

Encourage an open dialogue about sexual harassment and its impact. Empower employees to speak up against harassment without fear of retaliation, ensuring they know the procedures to report incidents and trust the process

Safe Reporting Mechanisms

1. Accessible Complaint Mechanisms:

Establish clear, confidential, and accessible channels for employees to report incidents of harassment. Ensure that the process is straightforward and that complainants are supported throughout.

2. Internal Complaints Committee :

Effectively constitute and maintain an ICC as per the Indian POSH Act's requirements. Ensure that the committee is trained and equipped to handle complaints sensitively and impartially.

Proactive Measures

1. Regular Audits and Surveys:

Conduct regular audits and anonymous surveys to assess the workplace culture and the effectiveness of your POSH training initiatives. Use the feedback to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

2. Visible Leadership Commitment:

Demonstrate leadership commitment to preventing sexual harassment by actively participating in POSH training sessions, openly discussing the importance of a harassment-free workplace, and leading by example.

3. Creating a Supportive Environment:

Foster an environment that supports victims of harassment, offering counseling services, legal aid, or any other necessary support to help them navigate the aftermath of an incident.

By implementing these strategies and best practices, you, as an employer, can significantly contribute to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. It's about building a culture of respect, dignity, and safety, where every employee has the right to work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. Your proactive approach not only ensures compliance with the Indian POSH Act but also enhances employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational reputation.

Employee’s Role in Ensuring a Safe Workplace

As an employee, you play a crucial role in contributing to a safe and respectful workplace. Your actions and interactions can significantly influence the work environment, helping to create a culture of dignity and mutual respect. Here are ways you can actively contribute:

Promote Respectful Interactions

1. Model Respectful Behavior:

Lead by example by treating all colleagues with respect and professionalism, regardless of their position or background. Your behavior can set a positive tone for workplace interactions.

2. Challenge Inappropriate Behavior:

If you witness behavior that could be considered disrespectful or harassing, don't remain silent. If you feel safe and comfortable doing so, speak up against it, or report it to the appropriate authorities within your organization, such as your manager or the Internal Complaints Committee.

Awareness and Adherence

1. Understand Your Organization's POSH Policy :

Familiarize yourself with your organization's policy on the prevention of sexual harassment. Understanding the policy's provisions, including what constitutes harassment and the procedure for reporting incidents, is essential.

2. Participate in Training Programs:

Engage actively in all awareness programs related to POSH training. These sessions are not just a formality but are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to contribute to a harassment-free workplace.

Support a Culture of Inclusion

1. Encourage Inclusivity:

Support initiatives and practices that promote diversity and inclusion within your workplace. A culture that values diversity is often more empathetic and respectful.

2. Provide Support:

If a colleague confides in you about experiencing harassment, offer your support. Encourage them to report the incident but respect their decision if they choose not to.

Reporting & Transparency

1. Report Incidents:

If you experience or witness sexual harassment, report it in accordance with your organization's procedures. Transparent reporting contributes to accountability and helps prevent future incidents.

2. Maintain Confidentiality:

If involved in a reporting or investigation process, respect the confidentiality of the information and the individuals involved.

Your proactive engagement and commitment to fostering a respectful and safe work environment are invaluable. By upholding these principles, you contribute not only to your well-being but also to the collective integrity and productivity of your workplace.

By working together, we can build a workplace that not only complies with the Indian POSH Act but also embodies the principles of respect, dignity, and safety. This commitment to creating a harassment-free environment is not just about legal compliance; it's about nurturing a culture where everyone can thrive, contribute, and feel valued. Let's embrace our roles and responsibilities in this endeavor, setting a standard for workplaces everywhere that prioritize the well-being and dignity of every individual.

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