Corporate Learning Advisor

Anisha Dutta, our Corporate Learning Advisor, holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and did her master's from IIM Udaipur and Purdue University. She loves working on pieces that require deep research and foresight. Apart from that, she is a voracious reader. Movies, music, and tv shows are the next addiction. Otherwise, she also happens to be an avid traveler, a poet, and an animal lover.


Understanding the formal meaning behind rigor and flexibility in corporate learning isn’t just theoretical—it’s a strategic imperative that can dramatically influence your bottom line. Studies show that companies who achieve this balance see up to a 50% increase in employee engagement rates, with a subsequent 33% rise in innovation output.Continue Reading


With the contemporary work culture undergoing significant transformation, the line between professional and informal environments is becoming increasingly blurred. You’ve probably noticed this shift yourself—more relaxed dress codes, flexible work hours, and general ease in the way we communicate with our colleagues. This trend isn’t just anecdotal; recent statistics underscoreContinue Reading

Training Meaning

This article explores mobile training meaning and tailored mLearning strategies – specifically designed for the Indian market, offering you the insights and tools needed to elevate your frontline team’s performance and drive organizational success. Have you ever paused and considered: how empowered are your frontline workers? Are they equipped withContinue Reading

empower employment

What does it mean to “empower employment?” It implies going beyond traditional compensation, tapping into the vast potential of non-monetary benefits to enhance workplace satisfaction and productivity. Recent statistics reveal a compelling trend: over 80% of employees would choose additional benefits over a pay raise, indicating a significant shift inContinue Reading


Explore the dynamic journey of employees from onboarding to retirement, uncovering the nuanced training and development differences at each career stage. Discover key insights and best practices for optimizing employee growth and retention. When you say organizational development, you definitely cannot ignore the significance of training and development in nurturingContinue Reading