
Today, we discuss an important aspect of online learning. Distractions. As your employees engage in mobile and portable e-training, how they avoid distractions becomes crucial to their learning experience. Adult learners in a business context can benefit significantly from eLearning. Trainees can select the environment that fits them perfectly because Internet-capable gadgets are frequently accessible in the home and the workplace. However, the portability of m-earning while learning from home also brings a variety of distractions, including household duties, pets, family and friends, or social media.

Businesses must ensure their employees understand the advantages of reducing distractions to reap the benefits of instructional resources for improved eLearning. Giving mobile learners specific guidelines can enable them to get the most out of their digital learning initiatives.

9 Smart Tips to Help Your Employees Avoid Distractions During Online Training

avoid distractions

Creating space without distractions

For mobile and e-learners, the opportunities for distractions are endless, and becoming diverted for long periods is a cinch. Digital learners encounter a variety of possible diversions clamoring for their time, from being caught in the never-ending web rabbit hole to giving in to the allure of cleaning and washing.

Mobile learners who have an optimal workspace can maintain focus on the job at hand. The first step is eliminating as many external distractions as possible, such as turning off cellular phones and posting a “do not interrupt” sign to let others know they are unavailable. It can also be helpful to avoid distractions to let family and friends know how vital it is to have a calm, undisturbed setting for coursework.

Clearing the clutter can significantly help avoid distractions and enhance the study environment.

Establishing a timetable and following it

According to a common saying, each individual has an identical 24 hours daily. Utilizing this time is entirely up to the individual. Planning and organizing study time is essential for adult learners juggling multiple conflicting demands — to avoid distractions.

A schedule doesn’t have to be complicated; it can just be a paper document with hours and events circled. Various free web-based scheduling tools, such as Google Calendar, also function well. One advantage of using online scheduling tools is that family, friends, and colleagues may quickly share their accessibility with them.

It could be beneficial to plan the tasks for the following day in the evenings before going to bed since obligations and commitments can alter daily. To achieve their objectives, learners should determine how long activities will take, allocate the necessary time, and adhere to the timetable.

Overcoming procrastination

Avoid Distractions

Procrastination is indeed the thief of time, as the famous Charles Dickens remarked, and there has never been a period in history when that is more accurate than now — when there are countless exciting things to do that are only a scroll or click away. Learners should make and follow a strategy to complete their eLearning objectives to combat the very natural inclination to postpone.

According to productivity experts, you should break down extensive activities into manageable chunks. Achieving little goals might motivate learners to work harder. Setting deadlines for tasks might also be helpful. For example, an employee might place a timer for one hour and, afterward, stop for a break instead of sitting out for an eLearning lesson with no conclusion in sight. You can keep the employee’s focus on the current job by reminding them that time is precious.

Having enough sleep

Many believe they are more focused when a cutoff date is approaching. This notion frequently encourages delaying tasks until the eleventh hour, which causes tension when it comes. Procrastination loops and hurriedly completing activities can cause stress, leading to exhaustion and poor sleep.

Trainees should know the significance of scheduling tranquil downtime and obtaining proper sleep. Per the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, sleep significantly influences learning and memory. Lack of sleep impairs one’s ability to concentrate and hinders effective learning. Moreover, getting too little sleep damages memory, which is essential for remembering what you’ve learned.

Putting in the most efficient hours of work

The best moments of the day to be attentive and productive vary from person to person. Learners should use their most productive periods for eLearning to reap the benefits of those hours. According to studies, you can enhance the brain’s capacity to constantly map new knowledge by spending a defined amount of daily time to concentrate on particular tasks.

Utilizing apps to maintain concentration

Avoid Distractions

When using different models of laptops and tablets, mature e-learners can benefit from various tools and applications that can keep them focused. Using the software, learners can block digital distractions for as long as eight hours. Several anti-social apps focus on blocking specific diverting website categories and help avoid distractions. They assist adult learners in discovering their daily routines and increasing their productivity.

Creating incentives

The effectiveness of rewards in training is debatable; some studies indicate that learners driven by extrinsic rewards do worse and are less enthusiastic about learning. Modest rewards that adult learners make for themselves, nevertheless, can aid in sharpening focus. For instance, after finishing the day’s objectives, an e-Learner can determine whether they can use social media for a set amount of time. According to psychologists, incentives are especially effective at motivating adults who have problems focusing.

Avoiding multitasking

While multitasking may make you appear smart and active, can it actually increase your learning productivity? No seems to be the obvious response. Multiple drawbacks result from multitasking. A few of them consist of the following:

  • More extended time frames for quicker activities
  • Dissatisfaction and stress levels rising
  • Little capacity for information retention
  • Overfocusing-related exhaustion

Concentrating on one task at a time or being distracted can be considered a form of multitasking. Multitasking is frequently an indication of being overworked and overscheduled. If that’s so, you must establish a routine you’ll be able to follow.

Making a list of your priorities for what you want to do is a straightforward way to avoid distractions because of multitasking. Please outline them in the sequence you believe will work best, then tackle each one separately. You won’t have compromised quality, and you’ll also finish sooner.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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How to avoid distractions in social learning?

Avoid Distractions

The typical person uses social media for many hours each week. Some online students might even complete this requirement every day. They utilize these tools to stay in touch with friends, stay up to date on the news, and even advertise their commercial endeavors.

It’s a fantastic location to advance knowledge and develop talents, though. However, it might become challenging for learners to avoid distractions in a setting packed with multiple elements. Understanding how to distinguish between personal tweets, posts, comments, and social learning content is the key. Here are the top 8 suggestions for ensuring that the “learning” that occurs in a social learning setting genuinely advances your team’s educational objectives.

Establish ground rules beforehand

Without clear rules, trainees may be more inclined to speak with acquaintances and browse articles. As a consequence, the urge to avoid distractions can decline. For this reason, it’s critical to lay out the general principles in advance and turn the collaborative environment for learning into a controlled space where learning happens more naturally. In fact, as a subliminal reminder, you could wish to stick them toward the pinnacle of your feed on social media or eLearning forums.

These rules should focus on what online learners should expect, suggestions for utilizing social teaching materials, and what they ought to gain from the educational process in general. For instance, interactive eLearning activities may require teams of trainees to work together to solve problems before reporting their findings.

Put learning outcomes at the forefront

Every action should, ideally, relate to a particular objective, goal, or intended outcome in the context of social learning. More importantly, before logging into the eLearning system, trainees must be conscious of the goals.

Purpose-driven contexts for social learning are beneficial. Emphasize the advantages your employees will experience by contributing and how the joint activity will benefit them in real life. They will be able to increase their task-based expertise and knowledge through online chats. As a result, the discussion should focus on related themes and concepts.

Include regular breaks

Avoid Distractions

For some people, the desire to check their Facebook and Twitter accounts may be too great. Hence, the motivation to avoid distractions may be minimal in such cases. Nevertheless, if there is an awaiting “unwind” interval at the conclusion, these visual learners are more inclined to engage with the social, educational setting. Longer social, instructional methods may cause monotony and agitation.

Therefore, it is best to include regular breaks so students can browse other social media platforms. As an illustration, a twenty-minute study session is succeeded by a ten-minute leisure breather. They can then return to the social learning setting rested and prepared to engage — and avoid distractions during the scheduled study time.

Establish specialized social media groups

Groups on social media again enable learners to avoid distractions by typically focusing on a single subject or hobby. Make a closed community for your online classes so employees can converse within a more private environment. Since the online debate is concentrated on a specific social media page, it also helps eliminate outside diversions and distractions. Instead, construct your learning environment by setting up an eLearning weblog or community where you won’t have to compete with other contributions.

Post questions and frequent prompts, to encourage online discussion

Distraction’s antecedent is boredom. External factors might quickly divert the attention of disinterested online students. Thought-provoking inquiries and reminders, however, aid in keeping students focused on the assignment at hand and hence, help avoid distractions. It stimulates thought processes that help online learners reflect on the material and connect it to practical applications.

They can, for instance, envision how the topic will assist them in resolving a practical issue or consider the concepts and theories from a fresh angle.

Keep employees engaged with eye-catching images and links

Avoid Distractions

Some online learners could be more inclined to participate if there are engaging pictures and graphics present or if there are hyperlinks that take them to pertinent publications or digital eLearning films. When you can, include poignant visuals in your blog and social media postings to grab readers’ attention. Just be sure to monitor links to ensure they are still functioning regularly. Otherwise, the dissatisfaction of online learners might start to serve as a diversion on its own.

Including online project group collaboration

Ask your online students to form groups, then give each group an assignment or a real-world issue to solve. Collectively, they must use the social learning skills at their disposal to reach a consensus. You should urge them to choose a team leader as well. They should use Project Management digital services to help groups collaborate on more complex web-based programs so that they may coordinate their activities. It’s a good idea to give them a list of recommended internet resources and instructions.

Group collaboration projects remove interruptions in social learning contexts and help avoid distractions by providing students with a shared objective to strive toward. They give the assignment their complete attention, leaving little time for Zynga and Scrabble with friends.

Conduct assessments for eLearning follow-up and related activities

Assessments used in online learning and tie-in exercises have two very significant functions. They primarily increase learner engagement. Virtual students are aware that they will need to demonstrate their expertise. Individuals are more inclined to engage in online debates to obtain the required knowledge. Second, it increases memory and long-term retention.

Online students must use their newly acquired knowledge and abilities after the session, giving them time to examine and consider the most important lessons. Conducting pre-assessment is also a fantastic idea because it will help students become more motivated and inspired to take part in the social, educational setting by allowing them to recognize how far they’ve progressed.

These eight suggestions can assist you in maximizing the potential of social learning while providing peer-based eLearning input to your trainees. They might take advantage of the chance to exchange experiences, enhance comprehension, and develop fresh viewpoints. The key is persuading people to pay attention to what’s crucial, which is expanding their academic horizons through open communication of information.


Companies can encourage staff to set up distraction-free areas to foster greater eLearning outside the office. Learners can stay driven and focused by using a timetable, overcoming procrastination, obtaining sufficient sleep, working during the most productive hours each day, using productivity tools, and establishing small rewards.

Please share your ideas with us. How do you maintain your employees’ focus and avoid distractions when they are in their “learning zone”?

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!