Compliance Training

What is Compliance Training?

Compliance training is an essential aspect of highly regulated industries. Corporates understand that compliance is vital for the success of businesses. Your organization's authenticity, reputation, and credibility depend on how well you deliver compliance training to your workforce.

Almost all the major categories of industries- including finance, manufacturing, automobiles, or healthcare- must adhere to strict compliance requirements. Since the rules change continuously, you need to update your employees as well regularly. You need a comprehensive learning platform that creates, delivers, and updates content while assigning and tracking course progress rates.

Compliance ensures that your staff is informed about the latest regulations and promotes a safe, secure working space. PlayAblo's compliance training is reliable since it is fully automated, comes with security certifications, has data encryption, and is easy to deploy across various departments. In this case, L&D professionals can focus on ensuring that the course materials are up-to-date and learners are regularly updated with the changing regulations.

Compliance Training

What Advantages Does Compliance Training Offer?

Could it be that you failed to see the importance of compliance training? Do you give your staff the same jargon-filled legal document annually, causing them to whine and sign it merely to get it over with? If that's the case, you're putting your company in danger.

Compliance training is crucial to ensure that your personnel knows the business policies, rules, and statutory needs that apply to their everyday tasks. You should take a proactive role in updating your compliance training and eschewing the tiresome, repetitious methods of the past.

It is not mandatory to spend hours on compliance training. It makes sense to spend the money to do it well because the costs of creating a subpar compliance program considerably outweigh the expenses of giving your personnel the necessary training.

By providing targeted compliance training, you obviously help your team, and your company avoids breaching the law. You'll establish the tone for their conduct and ensure that everyone follows the same protocols and standards in the compliance culture of the business. Practical training will also help in the discovery of any infractions and the prevention of misconduct.

Best Practices for Implementing Compliance Training in Your Organization

Clearly State Your Objectivesss

You can increase your motivation by knowing why you are doing something. Because of this, you should explain to your staff the importance of compliance training and what they as team members should learn from it. They will probably feel more inspired to finish the program with the aid of this tactic.

Make the Instruction Interesting

How do you succeed when the material is so dull? There is no need to expose your staff to long training sessions laden with legalese, even though it is crucial to convey the precise meaning of the relevant legal legislation. Instead, give the training life. Please give them appropriate context and examples from the actual world to ensure they comprehend.

E-learning has many advantages. Since you may divide the training into manageable parts, workers can take breaks whenever necessary. Additionally, e-learning enables students to finish their courses whenever they are ready. This process makes fewer people rush through because they think their time would be better served working on another project. The ability to complete their training whenever they want and by a set deadline will be valued because not every employee learns in the same way or takes the same amount of time.

Invest in interactive scenarios and simulations that let learners practice how they behave in various settings rather than delivering each employee a stack of papers yearly. Live audio and video experiences can also be added. You will strengthen your compliance training by using e-Learning as an additional resource.

Deploy Microlearning

There is a new learning trend that, although its modest size, has the potential to grow significantly. Microlearning educates and empowers learners in brief, concentrated bursts while allowing them to select what and when they want to learn. Microlearning also referred to as "mind espresso," enables people to quickly learn little, practical pieces of knowledge.

By 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. The average attention span of millennials is eight seconds. Microlearning will undoubtedly become more crucial than ever in training, classes, and education.

Short video lectures (two to five minutes long) with a clear objective make up microlearning. They make extensive use of illustrations and stories. They skip the extraneous details and get right to the point. Never repeat yourself; younger employees are more tech-savvy and can review material on their own if they need to if they don't comprehend something. Even if learning is crucial, it must also be flexible. Allow the employee to choose the time and location of their compliance education.

Create Interactional Scenarios

Since younger employees are more accustomed to technology, businesses turn to Learning Management Systems (LMS) to give films specifically tailored to compliance. Instead of just providing knowledge and bullet points, interactive scenarios also give learners choices, realism, and involvement. Students can use this technique to form opinions and quickly get feedback on their decisions. People can apply their knowledge and abilities in scenarios comparable to those they could encounter at work.

eLearning courses. are excellent for engaging your team in a fun and instructional approach during the compliance training session. Thanks to the free information and content available in many kinds of media, you can find a selection of high-quality films to use in your course. Videos are a great way to transmit information and get people's attention. You can also use them along with games and tests to enhance learning.

Use Storytelling

An effective way to illustrate the significance and relevance of compliance standards and training is to tell a story. Stories give the dry facts and rules and how they influence people and businesses an emotional connection. Employees might become motivated and concerned about compliance standards when they understand how non-compliance could hurt or damage someone or the company.

It's time to update your program if you're still delivering the same old compliance training seminars with the same old, outmoded PowerPoint and handouts. Learning management systems are experts in developing customized training modules using state-of-the-art technology that incorporates your specifications into the product at a fair price.

Better training, a more engaged staff, and the capacity to transform content into reusable formats and react swiftly are all benefits of upfront investment in training. So, as you say goodbye to your compliance PowerPoint presentation, breathe a sigh of relief. You'll be happy you decided otherwise.

Why PlayAblo for Compliance Training:

Integration & SSO support

PlayAblo integrates easily into your existing landscape of internal systems. We also support Single Sign-On making the integration extremely easy and fast.

Rapid implementation
(Cloud-based SaaS solution)

PlayAblo is a Cloud-based SaaS solution that ensures rapid implementation, lower operating costs, increased scalability, and easy integration. New releases and upgrades are straightforward to propagate.

Any Device - Any OS - Anytime

Access PlayAblo’s learning content from any device, including desktops, smartphones, tablets and iPads. The training modules are optimized to fit most screen sizes.

Learn at your place, your pace!

Built for Micro-learning, PlayAblo allows learners the option to learn at their own pace and place. Progress as much as you can and continue from where you left off, whenever you can!

Learn offline

PlayAblo is a Cloud-based SaaS solution that ensures rapid implementation, lower operating costs, increased scalability, and easy integration. New releases and upgrades are straightforward to propagate.

Build eLearning content 70% faster!

Access PlayAblo’s learning content from any device, including desktops, smartphones, tablets and iPads. The training modules are optimized to fit most screen sizes.

Integrated LMS and CMS

The integrated LMS and CMS feature enable corporates to manage learners, keep track of their progress and performance, and create + distribute new learning materials -- all from one platform!

LIVE Classes

LIVE Classes are integral to the Blended Learning approach. PlayAblo comes pre-integrated with G-Meet, lending a real-time replication of the traditional classroom experience. Need another LIVE platform integrated? Just ask!

xAPI Compliant

PlayAblo’s xAPI compliant platform lets you add eLearning content that is inherently responsive for all devices and allows data collection about the wide range of experiences of your learners within your training.

Best in class dashboards

PlayAblo’s dashboards give a real-time view of your learners’ progress regarding aggregated usage, progress, and performance view.

Self-Subscribe Courses

PlayAblo lets learners search for non-mandatory courses and subscribe to additional programs per their job needs without any external intervention.

Auto-Subscribe Courses

Depending upon learner’s role and department, specific courses are mandatory or needed for compliance. You can set up courses for Auto subscriptions based upon rules, including recurring subscription for compliance.

Create mobile-friendly courses directly from PPTs

PlayAblo’s dashboards give a real-time view of your learners’ progress regarding aggregated usage, progress, and performance view.