
Discover the subtle yet crucial differences between preboarding and onboarding processes in this insightful blog. Gain valuable insights into the unique aspects of each phase to optimize your employee integration strategy and enhance the overall onboarding experience.

You already understand the pivotal role of employee integration in shaping organizational success. The statistics speak volumes: organizations allocate significant portions of their training budget to onboarding (11%) and, notably, 26% of them plan to increase onboarding funding this year.

Why? Because seamless integration isn’t just a nicety; it’s a strategic imperative. Properly onboarded employees are more engaged, productive, and likely to stay. Yet, the journey begins even before the official onboarding phase – it starts with preboarding.

To unlock the full potential of your workforce, you must grasp the dynamics of both preboarding and onboarding. So, let’s get started!

What’s Preboarding and Onboarding?

preboarding and onboarding

Employee Preboarding: Its Definition

Preboarding refers to the initial phase of the employee integration process, commencing from the time an employee accepts a job offer until their first official day at the organization. Unlike traditional onboarding, preboarding is predominantly remote and aims to familiarize new hires with the company culture, values, and expectations before they physically step into the workplace.

Example: Consider a scenario where a new employee receives a welcome package containing digital resources, including an introduction to the company’s mission, pre-recorded messages from key team members, and access to online training modules. This preboarding phase prepares individuals for a smoother transition into the organization.

Employee Onboarding: Its Definition

Onboarding, on the other hand, encompasses the comprehensive process that unfolds from the first day of employment and extends throughout the initial weeks or months. It involves the systematic integration of employees into their roles, teams, and the broader organizational structure.

This phase is characterized by in-person interactions, training sessions, and hands-on experiences tailored to equip new hires with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Example: Upon joining the company physically, an employee undergoes a structured onboarding program, including face-to-face meetings with team members, departmental introductions, and practical training sessions. This immersive experience fosters a deeper understanding of the organization and its workflows.

Chronological Order of Processes

Understanding the sequence of preboarding and onboarding is paramount for a nuanced comprehension of their roles in the integration journey.

  1. Preboarding:
    • Begins after the acceptance of the job offer.
    • Primarily conducted remotely.
    • Focuses on introducing company culture, values, and expectations.
  2. Onboarding:
    • Initiates on the first official day of employment.
    • Involves in-person interactions and training sessions.
    • Extends over the initial weeks or months.

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Goals and Purpose

employee training

Objectives of Preboarding

As you navigate through the employee preboarding landscape, it’s essential to recognize its distinct set of objectives. Preboarding programs aim to establish a foundation for a new employee’s journey before their official commencement. This phase, often conducted remotely, endeavors to achieve several key goals:

  1. Cultural Familiarization:
    • During preboarding, you must make a concerted effort to introduce fresh recruits to the organizational culture, values, and ethos. This proactive approach helps align your newbies’ expectations and mindset with the company’s overarching principles.
  2. Expectation Setting:
    • Preboarding isn’t just about paperwork; it’s a strategic phase to set expectations. You should design a meticulous process designed to communicate roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations, fostering clarity from the outset.
  3. Connection Building:
    • Through virtual interactions and digital platforms, employee preboarding aims to initiate early connections. Whether through introductory emails, virtual meet-and-greets, or collaborative online forums, the goal is to begin weaving a sense of community even before new hires step into the physical workplace.

Goals of the Traditional Onboarding Phase

As your employees transition from preboarding to the traditional onboarding phase, understanding the overarching goals becomes paramount. This immersive stage, typically commencing on their first official day, is characterized by in-person engagements and hands-on experiences. Let’s unravel the significance of these goals:

  1. Role Assimilation:
    • The primary goal of employee onboarding is to facilitate a seamless assimilation into specific roles. This involves an in-depth understanding of job responsibilities, team dynamics, and the broader organizational structure.
  2. Skill Development:
  3. Team Integration:
    • Building on the connections initiated during preboarding, the onboarding phase emphasizes in-person interactions to strengthen team integration. This includes face-to-face meetings, departmental introductions, and collaborative activities fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Timeline and Duration

employee onboarding
  1. Employee Preboarding:
    • In preboarding, the timeline is distinctly positioned between the acceptance of a job offer and the new employee’s first official day. This period is crucial for laying the groundwork for a seamless transition.
    • Preboarding activities typically commence immediately after the job offer is accepted. Virtual interactions, digital resources, and remote onboarding modules are strategically employed during this phase.
    • The duration of preboarding can vary but commonly spans the gap between acceptance and the first day of employment, providing an early introduction to the company culture and expectations.
  2. Employee Onboarding:
    • Onboarding, in contrast, unfolds from the moment the employee steps into the workplace on their first official day and extends over the subsequent weeks or months.
    • The first day often involves administrative tasks, introductions, and initial training sessions. Subsequent weeks are dedicated to deeper integration, including role-specific training, team-building activities, and a more immersive understanding of the organizational structure.
    • While the immediate onboarding activities may span a few days, the overall onboarding process is a more extended journey that continues to support the employee’s growth and integration over the initial phase of their tenure.

Impact of Timelines on the Employee Experience

  1. Employee Preboarding:
    • A well-structured and timely preboarding process sets a positive tone for the employee experience. It allows new hires to familiarize themselves with the company culture, reducing first-day jitters and promoting a sense of belonging from the start.
    • Efficient preboarding contributes to a smoother transition, minimizing the gap between acceptance and active participation in organizational activities. This can positively influence the overall perception of the employer and enhance the employee’s commitment to the company.
  2. Employee Onboarding:
    • The duration of onboarding plays a critical role in the employee’s adaptation and performance. A carefully planned onboarding schedule allows for a gradual and comprehensive understanding of the job, team dynamics, and organizational expectations.
    • Extending the onboarding process beyond the immediate days ensures that employees receive ongoing support, fostering continuous development and integration. This extended timeline facilitates a more robust foundation for long-term success within the organization.

By acknowledging the significance of these timelines, you, as an employer, can strategically shape the preboarding and onboarding experiences, contributing to enhanced employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

The 5 Key Similarities Between Preboarding and Onboarding

employee preboarding
  1. Cultural Introduction:
    • In both preboarding and onboarding, there exists a shared goal of introducing new hires to the organizational culture. During preboarding, this is often executed remotely through digital resources, while onboarding facilitates in-person experiences to deepen cultural understanding.
  2. Expectation Setting:
    • Both phases prioritize setting clear expectations for new employees. Preboarding involves communicating role expectations and organizational values while onboarding further refines these expectations through in-depth training sessions and detailed insights into job responsibilities.
  3. Digital Engagement:
    • A shared element in both preboarding and onboarding is the utilization of digital platforms. From virtual introductions and online resources in preboarding to digital training modules and communication tools in onboarding, the integration journey is significantly facilitated through technology.
  4. Connection Building:
    • Establishing connections is a common goal that permeates both phases. Preboarding initiates virtual connections through digital platforms, while onboarding amplifies this by fostering face-to-face interactions, team-building activities, and departmental introductions, all aimed at building a sense of community.
  5. Administrative Processes:
    • Administrative tasks are addressed in both preboarding and onboarding to ensure a smooth transition. Preboarding often involves remote paperwork and documentation, while onboarding streamlines these processes on the first official day, creating a seamless administrative transition.

Shared Goals for Seamless Integration

  1. Smooth Transition:
    • Both preboarding and onboarding share the overarching goal of facilitating a smooth transition for new hires. Preboarding sets the groundwork remotely, easing individuals into the organizational culture, while onboarding ensures a seamless shift into the physical workplace with minimal disruptions.
  2. Early Engagement:
    • Engaging new employees from the outset is a common objective. Preboarding aims to initiate early connections and engagement through digital means, and onboarding builds on this foundation by providing in-person experiences that deepen engagement with the team, role, and organizational mission.
  3. Alignment with Organizational Values:
    • A shared emphasis on aligning new hires with organizational values is evident in both phases. Preboarding introduces these values remotely, setting the stage for a cultural alignment, and onboarding reinforces this alignment through in-depth experiences that emphasize the importance of organizational values in day-to-day operations.

By recognizing and leveraging these common elements and shared goals, you can design a holistic integration strategy that seamlessly blends preboarding and onboarding, fostering a cohesive and positive experience for new employees within your organization.

The 3 Key Differences Between Preboarding and Onboarding

onboarding vs. preboarding

Let’s now highlight the distinct aspects and focuses of both preboarding and onboarding, providing a clear visual representation of the differences between these two critical phases of employee integration.

Cultural ImmersionVirtual introduction to organizational culture, values, and expectations before the first day.In-person team integration, emphasizing face-to-face interactions and physical introductions to colleagues.
Connections through TechnologyEarly digital connections with the company, team, and mentors before entering the physical workspace.In-person team-building activities to foster connections, building on the virtual engagement initiated during preboarding.
Expectation SettingSetting expectations for roles and responsibilities remotely, ensuring clarity before the first day.Hands-on training and skill development, with a focus on practical, role-specific training during the initial weeks.
Physical Workspace FamiliarizationLimited physical exposure; focuses on virtual and remote activities.Exploration of the actual work environment, including desk allocations, facility tours, and introductions to key departments.

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Best Practices for Preboarding and Onboarding

As an employer committed to optimizing your employee integration processes, it is essential to delve into actionable insights for enhancing both preboarding and onboarding experiences. Let’s break down best practices into distinct subcategories for each phase, focusing on pragmatic strategies that go beyond clichés to ensure a seamless and effective integration journey.

Best Practices for Preboarding

  1. Digital Onboarding Kits:
    • Develop comprehensive digital onboarding kits that go beyond paperwork. Include engaging content such as welcome videos from leadership, interactive company culture modules, and virtual office tours. This facilitates a meaningful introduction to your organization even before the employee’s first day.
  2. Assigned Preboarding Buddies:
    • Implement a preboarding buddy system, assigning existing employees as mentors to new hires during the preboarding phase. This connection can be facilitated through digital platforms, allowing for early guidance, answering questions, and providing insights into the company culture.
  3. Interactive Virtual Sessions:
    • Conduct interactive virtual sessions during preboarding to foster early engagement. These sessions can include Q&A sessions with key team members, virtual coffee breaks, and online forums for new hires to connect and share experiences. This approach contributes to a sense of community before physical integration begins.
  4. Clear Communication of Expectations:
    • Ensure transparent and clear communication of role expectations and preboarding timelines. This clarity sets the stage for a smooth transition into the organization, helping new hires mentally prepare for their upcoming roles.

Best Practices for Onboarding:

  1. Role-Specific Training Plans:
    • Develop role-specific training plans that align with the onboarding schedule. Tailor training sessions to the unique requirements of each role, incorporating hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios. This approach ensures that employees gain practical skills relevant to their positions.
  2. Mentorship Programs:
    • Implement mentorship programs as a part of the onboarding process. Assign experienced employees as mentors to guide new hires through their initial weeks, offering insights into team dynamics, and company culture, and providing a support system for a smoother integration.
  3. Structured Onboarding Agenda:
    • Create a structured onboarding agenda that spans the initial weeks or months. This agenda should include a mix of orientation sessions, team-building activities, and in-depth training modules. Structuring the onboarding process ensures a comprehensive and well-paced integration.
  4. Feedback Loops and Check-Ins:
    • Establish regular feedback loops and check-ins throughout the onboarding period. This allows new hires to express concerns and seek clarification. It provides employers with valuable insights into the effectiveness of the onboarding process. Adjustments can be made based on this feedback to enhance future onboarding experiences.

By incorporating these best practices into your preboarding and onboarding processes, you can cultivate a more engaging and effective employee integration strategy. These insights go beyond clichés, offering practical approaches to create a positive and productive onboarding experience for your new hires.

Here’s What Else to Consider

In the ever-evolving landscape of employee integration, organizations are leveraging innovative strategies and technologies to enhance the effectiveness of their preboarding and onboarding processes. Let’s explore key trends and considerations that contribute to a seamless and impactful employee integration journey.

1. Technological Innovations

Embracing technology is crucial for modern onboarding success. According to a study by Deloitte, 94% of organizations are already using or planning to implement technology solutions in their onboarding process. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are gaining traction, providing immersive experiences that familiarize new hires with their work environment, even before their first day.

2. Remote Work Considerations

The rise of remote work has reshaped how organizations approach preboarding and onboarding. A Global Workplace Analytics report reveals that the remote workforce has grown by 140% since 2005. Organizations are incorporating virtual onboarding practices to create a meaningful connection with remote employees. Tools like video conferencing, collaborative platforms, and digital training modules are becoming integral components of remote onboarding strategies.

3. Measuring Success with KPIs

Metrics play a crucial role in evaluating the success of preboarding and onboarding efforts. Organizations are increasingly using key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the impact on employee satisfaction, time-to-competence, and overall engagement. In fact, a major chunk of high-performing organizations measure the effectiveness of their onboarding programs through KPIs.

4. Cultural Alignment Across Regions

Global organizations are recognizing the importance of tailoring preboarding and onboarding practices to different cultures. A survey found that 87% of global businesses believe that diversity and inclusion initiatives lead to increased organizational performance. Highlight how understanding cultural nuances can foster a sense of belonging among employees from diverse backgrounds.

5. Legal and Compliance Considerations

Especially relevant in industries with stringent regulations, ensuring legal and compliance alignment in preboarding and onboarding is imperative. A report states that more than half of compliance and risk professionals say managing Data privacy (53%) and IT/information security risk (52%) is absolutely essential to their organization. Moving forward, interdependence between IT and compliance is expected to increase.


In the dynamic landscape of employee integration, optimizing preboarding and onboarding processes is not just a formality; it’s a strategic imperative. By embracing digital innovation, fostering early connections, and tailoring experiences to roles, employers can elevate the onboarding journey. Recognizing the nuances between preboarding and onboarding and implementing these insightful best practices lays the foundation for a workforce that not only integrates seamlessly but thrives in its collective contribution to organizational success.

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