
In eLearning, online assessment questions are the most common method of assessing knowledge. However, one question type becomes monotonous for learners. For variety and enhanced engagement levels, PlayAblo supports different questions. We can also add images and videos to the questions. Let’s see how the platform enables content developers to create various question types on the platform.

How PlayAblo Supports a Variety of Assessment Question Types?

  1. PlayAblo UCM supports questions of the following types:

MCQ – For a question, the best option is to be selected.

MMCQ – Two or more options are to be selected for a question.

Order – Given words/phrases to be arranged in a logical order/sequence.

Sort – Given words/phrases to be sorted into two categories.

Match the Following – Given two columns, one item from each column is to be selected so that they fit together.

  1. Refer to the figure below to add question type – MCQ/MMCQ.
  1. Refer to the figure below to add question type – Order.
  1. Refer to the figure below to add question type – Sort.
  1. Refer to the figure below to add question type – Match the following (MTF)
  1. For Bulk upload through excel, click on the Bulk upload button.


eLearning will be more engaging and effective with more diversified and interactive questions. You can use these five sorts of questions to achieve a range of goals and aid your learners in searching for knowledge. You’ll find them in the fully-featured PlayAblo LMS, and they’ll help you create an effective training program.

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