
Suppose you publish a course on an LMS and notice errors, such as typos, outdated content, or incorrect information. Can you edit it without interrupting anyone who could potentially be taking the course? Well, a full-fledged LMS has this functionality. This ability is a convenient feature since it allows content developers to edit courses when there are corrections, updates, or revisions. And PlayAblo includes the functionality in its platform. Let’s check out the details.

How to edit published courses on PlayAblo?

Step 1

You can edit the published courses at any point. But, the changes need to be approved and published again. Once you open up any live course from the UCM, you will get an option to edit the course – inclusive of module additions, deletions, updates, and edits.


You can also add learning pages, which you can access via the learning vault. You can make any additions or deletions plus changes via this tab.


PlayAblo allows edits of several types such as structure, content (change/add/delete), revisions in videos/images etc. 

Important Points

When do the edited courses reflect on the LMS? 

How and when the edits reflect depends on the assignment type. It also depends on whether you add new modules or amendments to existing learning modules. Once the modifications are done, it has to go through the approval and publishing process again. There are 3 ways courses are assigned: self, auto, batch.

Auto/self assignments: It will take 24 hours to reflect when you add new modules. There is a batch job that runs nightly, and once it’s complete, changes are available for the learner after 12 noon, India time. However, existing edits in modules take place and reflect immediately. 

Batch assignments: Let’s assume that a course is assigned and you need a new module. This new module needs to be manually reassigned first to the batch, and the change reflects after that. However, existing edits in modules or learning materials reflect immediately for people who are yet to take the course and current learners.


After you make the edits on the PlayAblo UCM, you can re-publish and copy to wherever you are hosting your course. You don’t need to overhaul the entire course and can complete the process in a limited time. Edits to published courses are essential since things keep changing. 

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