LMS Platforms

Why are LMS platforms so crucial now? In today’s competitive business landscape, investing in employee development has become more critical than ever. Corporate training is no longer just a box-ticking exercise but an essential component of business strategy to keep your organization ahead of the competition.

A well-designed and executed training program can significantly improve employee performance, boost productivity, and drive business growth. However, your training program’s success heavily depends on the choice of your Learning Management System, aka LMS.

According to a study, the eLearning market in Asia is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11% from 2020 to 2026.

This growth indicates the increasing adoption of LMS software among organizations across industries. The need for a robust and flexible LMS platform has become even more critical with the rise of remote work and hybrid work models.

This step-by-step guide will discuss choosing the ideal LMS platform for your corporate training needs. We will provide a comprehensive roadmap to help you evaluate your organization’s training requirements, identify the right LMS solution, and successfully implement and maintain it.

By the end of this guide, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to select the best LMS platform for your organization’s training needs. But first, let’s address a basic question:

Table of Contents

How Many Types of LMS Are There?

There are several types of Learning Management Systems, often categorized by their features, deployment methods, and intended users. Here are the main types:

  1. Cloud-based LMS: Hosted on the vendor’s servers and accessed through a web browser. Examples include Blackboard and Canvas.
  2. Self-hosted LMS: Installed on the user’s own servers. Examples include Moodle and Totara.
  3. Open-source LMS: Freely available and can be customized. Examples include Moodle and Open edX.
  4. Commercial LMS: Proprietary software with paid licenses. Examples include Adobe Captivate Prime and Docebo.
  5. Enterprise LMS: Designed for large organizations with extensive features for managing corporate training programs. Examples include SAP Litmos and Cornerstone OnDemand.
  6. Academic LMS: Tailored for educational institutions. Examples include Blackboard and Google Classroom.
  7. Specialized LMS: Designed for specific industries or training types, such as compliance training or health sector training.

Now that you know this, let’s get to the main topic at hand:

How to Pick the Perfect LMS Platforms for Your L&D Initiatives?

lms platforms

Assessing Your Corporate Training Needs

Before choosing an LMS, you must thoroughly assess your corporate training needs. Here are the essential steps to do so:

Defining the goals of your training program

The first step in assessing your corporate training needs is to identify the objectives of your online training program. Start by asking yourself, “What skills or knowledge do I want my employees to acquire or improve?” Be specific and set measurable goals. For example, you may want to improve customer service skills, increase sales, or enhance compliance training.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Identifying your target audience

Once you have defined your L&D objectives, the next step is identifying your target audience. Who are the learners, and what are their needs? Consider factors such as job roles, skill levels, and learning preferences. For instance, if you are training customer service representatives, they may prefer an interactive and gamified training program.

Analyzing your training content and delivery methods

Evaluate the current content and delivery methods to see if they are aligned with your training program’s goals and objectives. Consider factors such as the training format (e.g., classroom, online, blended), the type of content (e.g., videos, simulations, quizzes), and the delivery platform (e.g., LMS, mobile learning).

Evaluating the current state of your training program

Review the feedback from previous training sessions and assess their effectiveness. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement in your current training program.

Conducting a gap analysis

Identify the gaps between your current state and the desired state of your training program. Consider factors such as the skill level of your employees, the effectiveness of the current training program, and the availability of resources. A skills gap analysis will help you determine the training needs and the type of LMS platform that can meet those needs.

Identifying LMS Requirements

LMS Platforms

To choose the ideal online course platform for your corporate training needs, you must identify the core features and functionalities you require. Here are the key considerations when identifying LMS requirements:

Core features and functionalities of an LMS

  • User management and administration
  • Course creation and management
  • Tracking and reporting
  • Assessment and certification
  • Communication and Collaboration

Advanced features and functionalities to consider

  • Gamification
  • Social learning
  • Personalized learning paths
  • Mobile learning
  • Analytics and insights

Integration capabilities with existing systems

  • HRMS
  • CRM
  • Single sign-on
  • eCommerce
  • Video conferencing

Customization and branding options

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

  • Custom themes and templates
  • Logo and branding
  • Language localization
  • User interface customization
  • White-labeling

Security and data privacy considerations

  • Compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)
  • Secure data storage and transmission
  • Access control and permissions
  • Data backup and recovery
  • Regular security updates and maintenance

By identifying these requirements, you can narrow your options and choose an LMS platform that meets your needs.

Researching LMS Providers

LMS Platforms

Once you have identified the requirements for your LMS platform, it is time to start researching potential providers. Here are the critical steps in researching LMS providers:

Identifying potential LMS providers

  • Ask for referrals: Reach out to your professional network and ask for referrals. This could include colleagues in your industry, HR professionals, or L&D experts.
  • Online research: Conduct online research to identify potential LMS providers. Use search engines and business directories to compile a list of potential providers.
  • Attend industry events: Attend industry events and conferences to meet LMS providers in person and learn about their products and services.
  • Industry associations: Look for industry associations or organizations related to your industry. They may have a list of recommended LMS providers specializing in your field.
  • Social media: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to search for LMS providers and read reviews and feedback from other corporate training professionals.

Researching potential providers

  • When visiting the provider’s website, pay attention to the user interface, ease of navigation, and overall design.
  • Look for information on the provider’s history, background, and experience in the LMS industry.
  • Check if the provider offers additional services or features that may benefit your organization.
  • Contact the provider’s sales team to ask questions and learn more about their platform.

Evaluating providers based on your requirements and needs

  • Prioritize your requirements and create a detailed checklist that includes your must-have and nice-to-have features.
  • Evaluate each provider based on their ability to meet your requirements and needs, and score each provider accordingly.
  • Consider the provider’s pricing model and how it aligns with your budget and training goals.
  • Evaluate the provider’s customer support options, including their availability, response time, and level of expertise.

Reading reviews and case studies

  • Look for reviews and testimonials on third-party review sites to get an unbiased opinion of the provider.
  • Read case studies to learn more about how the provider has helped other companies in your industry and if they have similar goals and needs to yours.
  • Consider the provider’s overall rating and feedback from past customers.

Shortlisting potential providers

  • Once you have evaluated and scored each provider based on your requirements, narrow your list to the top three or four providers.
  • Schedule a demo and meeting with each provider to ask specific questions and better understand their platform and services.
  • Compare the providers’ features, pricing, and level of support to decide on the ideal LMS platform for your corporate training needs.

Testing and Selecting the Ideal LMS Platform

LMS Platforms

Requesting demos and trials

Once you have shortlisted the potential LMS providers, the next step is to request demos and trials from them. During the demo, ask questions about the features and functionalities that are most important to your training program. A trial will allow you to test the LMS platform and its features before deciding.

Creating a list of evaluation criteria

Before assessing the LMS platforms, list evaluation criteria that align with your training program’s needs and requirements. Critical elements include ease of use, scalability, customization options, reporting and analytics, and customer support.

Evaluating LMS platforms based on the criteria

Use the evaluation criteria to assess and compare the LMS platforms you’re considering. Score each platform on each criterion, and identify the best fit for your organization.

Testing the shortlisted platforms with pilot groups

Once you have identified the LMS platforms that meet your needs, test them with a pilot group. This will give you a better understanding of how the platform works in practice and whether it meets your training program’s needs.

Making the final selection

Based on the results of the pilot tests, choose the LMS platform that best meets your organization’s needs. Before making a final decision, ensure that the platform has all the necessary features and functionalities, fits your budget, and is backed by a reliable provider with excellent customer support.

Implementing the LMS Platform

LMS Platforms

Planning the implementation process

Before implementing the LMS platform, creating a detailed plan of action is crucial. This should include timelines, milestones, and a project management framework. This will help ensure that the implementation process runs smoothly and is completed on time.

Assigning responsibilities and timelines

Assigning responsibilities and timelines to the relevant stakeholders is essential during the planning process. This includes the LMS provider, the IT department, training staff, and other relevant personnel. This will help ensure everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities and that the implementation process stays on track.

Preparing training materials for administrators and users

Once the implementation process has been planned, prepare training materials for administrators and users. Administrators will need to be trained to set up and manage the LMS platform, while users will need to be trained to access and use the platform. This training should include written materials, videos, and hands-on training sessions.

Launching the LMS platform

After the training materials have been prepared and the LMS platform has been configured, it is time to launch it. This should be done in a controlled manner, with a soft launch to a pilot group before rolling it out to the entire organization. During the launch phase, monitor the platform closely for any issues and to provide support to users who may be experiencing difficulties.

Conducting post-implementation evaluations

Once the LMS platform has been launched, conduct post-implementation evaluations to assess its effectiveness. This should include collecting feedback from users and administrators, analyzing user data to measure engagement and learning outcomes, and conducting a cost-benefit analysis to determine the return on investment (ROI). Use this information to identify improvement areas and make any necessary adjustments to the platform.

Maintaining and Improving the LMS Platform

LMS Platforms

Once the LMS platform has been implemented, it is crucial to maintain and improve it continuously to remain practical and current. Here are the steps involved:

Conducting regular maintenance and updates

Regular maintenance and updates are essential to keep the LMS platform running smoothly and fix bugs or issues. This includes applying software updates, fixing broken links, and ensuring the platform is compatible with all relevant devices and browsers.

Collecting feedback and monitoring usage metrics

Collecting feedback from users and monitoring usage metrics is vital to understand how the LMS platform is performing. This can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the platform is meeting the needs of its users.

Identifying areas for improvement and enhancements

Based on feedback and usage metrics, it is possible to identify areas for improvement and enhancements. This may include adding new features, improving existing ones, or changing the platform’s design or layout.

Implementing changes and improvements

Once areas for improvement have been identified, changes and improvements should be implemented. This may involve working with the LMS provider to make the necessary changes or assigning an internal team to make the changes.

Continuously evaluating and optimizing the LMS platform

Finally, it is essential to continuously evaluate and optimize the LMS platform to ensure that it remains practical and up-to-date. This involves regularly reviewing feedback and usage metrics and making changes as necessary to ensure that the platform is meeting the needs of its users.


choosing the ideal LMS platform for corporate training needs is a crucial decision that requires careful planning and evaluation.

By following a step-by-step guide that includes assessing your training needs, identifying LMS requirements, researching potential providers, testing and selecting the ideal platform, and implementing and maintaining it effectively, you can ensure that your training program is efficient, effective, and up-to-date with the latest trends in technology.

Remember to continuously evaluate and optimize your LMS platform to ensure it meets your evolving business needs and provides maximum value to your organization.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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