Employees are taught the abilities, expertise, and skills necessary to carry out their responsibilities through on-the-job training, aka OJT, for short. OJT strives to train staff members in a setting where they can use all the acquired skills and competencies. It moreover involves the usage of the machinery, tools, expertise, and equipment already in the business to teach new skills, which workers may utilize to do their tasks well. Even while on-the-job training is important, there are certain myths about it that don’t actually line up with the information it provides:

OJT: 4 common myths and their actual realities!


Myth 1: OJT is pricey

An on-the-job training course necessitates money and time to set up. You’ll have to spend cash on subjects of expertise, educational materials, instructional design, as well as some on-the-job instructor training! That sounds pricey, yes? Here’s a dose of facts to calm your fears, which is supported by concrete proof.

Reality: It requires the same investment amount as other forms of training.

An interesting statistic from LinkedIn’s Workforce Learning Report may intrigue you. A staggering 93% of workers claim that investing in their professional growth will make them stay at a business longer. The fact that almost 70% of them claimed they preferred to evolve at their workplaces professionally is all the more fascinating.

This must imply that spending money on on-the-job training allows firms to keep personnel. And as we all realize, keeping staff on board saves businesses the hefty expense of replacement.

So, you anticipated that it would be costly. Hence, now you realize that skipping OJT is perhaps your business’s most costly choice.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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Myth 2: OJT consumes excessive amounts of time

your expectations from the job

The advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job training that is most frequently discussed typically are linked to time. And which one is the most crucial? That getting ready for OJT requires time. As an OJT educator, the manager or supervisor takes a lot of time. After all, when employees are in training, they have little time to be effective. But what happens if these assumptions are wrong?

Reality: It was a good use of time.

Managers must realize that training their team members and employees is a crucial duty, and it is what contributes to keeping their teams motivated. According to a study conducted by Gallup, the leader is accountable for 70% of the variation in collaboration and teamwork.

Therefore, by developing strong manager-employee relationships via OJT training courses, what better option is there to involve, retain, and encourage staff? Indeed, that is the reality. A period when managers should act more like mentors and coaches than like the bad guys from a dirty cop flick. Additionally, if they accomplish it properly, time spent training on the job may speed up the process of turning individuals into top performers, saving time overall. 

Myth 3: If you employ the correct abilities, OJT learning is not required

The goal has been and will continue always to be to hire the best talent. Since new hires can start working right away without ever having to spend a dime on education when the greatest talents are found for the position. But can they?

Reality: It’s crucial to acquire the abilities that are difficult to hire

The only issue with this assumption is one. Talented employees are hard to come by and fleeting. You understand, there is a skills gap right now, and the outlook isn’t good, according to a study. By 2030, it’s also predicted that there will be an 85.2 million-person global skills deficit, costing businesses trillions in missed opportunities.

What should you do now? Understand the importance of work-based learning! Instruction that is ongoing, relevant, and futuristic. Learning that creates the skills required by employers today. Training that imparts knowledge to workers that may not have been available five years ago.

Myth 4: Work-related instruction is merely a component of the profession

what is ojt

What distinguishes on-the-job training from on-the-job learning? They are equivalent, correct? Wrong. Nevertheless, many businesses conflate the idea of casual on-the-job training with that of experience-based learning.

Reality: It is a deliberate and planned approach to professional learning

Making mistakes and, taking lessons from them, then improving on your next attempt are all important parts of learning via experience. A long way from OJT’s planned, organized, and employment-relevant training.

Experience-based education is a natural process. However, a systematic on-the-job training approach makes use of focused techniques to assist employees in learning job responsibilities, company values, codes and standards, and other critical knowledge and abilities about the business and role.

On-the-job training techniques frequently combine traditional training techniques like mentorship and workshops with online learning programs that let individuals customize learning to their specific job requirements.

How important on-the-job training is

There are many different sorts of learners: some prefer visual learning, some prefer hands-on learning, and some learn best by reading directions. Nevertheless, in modern organizations, on-the-job training is incredibly important.

Employees can obtain experience working in the circumstances nearly identical to those they would encounter regularly through on-the-job education. The same equipment and tools that employees use in the workplace will be available to them for training purposes.

This enables staff members to train for their jobs while still learning them. Other forms of training, such as seminars and online training, merely provide staff with rudimentary knowledge rather than hands-on instruction. And we already know that — “All things are taught by experience,” Julius Caesar.

The next subsection will discuss some of the main advantages of on-the-job training for both employees and companies.

Faster instruction with practical experience


People pick up on their tasks quickly and do them fairly or satisfactorily. Employees who receive conventional training may well not recall much of the material. This indicates that workers might subsequently require coaching or retraining.

Employees who receive on-the-job training can ask questions while observing their peers and learning exactly what their job entails.

Quicker acclimatization to a new work

It is crucial in fields with high levels of turnover, including manufacturing, customer support, retail, and restaurants.

This training can facilitate quick onboarding and a satisfactory performance level. Employees can understand company procedures more quickly and effectively thanks to it.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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Most of the time, setting it up is simple

One of the easier training programs to establish is on-the-job training. You already have workers that are familiar with the position, resulting in a knowledge foundation to draw from.

It’s not necessary to build up challenging presentations. Simply select a high-performing worker to mentor new hires.

From the start, the trainee can handle elementary job duties

The simpler aspects of their jobs are taught to trainees first. As a result, they are capable of handling minor duties even before they finish training.

Taking calls or guiding clients to the appropriate store departments are two examples. Your learner can help if you run low on staff or become overworked, which will help the process flow more freely.

Retain competent personnel

In any industry, employee retention is vital. Employees, however, are less productive if they are unaware of the specifics of their position.

In addition, uncertainty regarding their expected work can lead to a stressful environment and high turnover rates. On-the-job training demonstrates to employees precisely what tasks they must perform and how to do so.

They practice every task that is expected of them as a part of their education process, and they are given comprehensive information about the procedures that go into their employment. Employees may now work as effectively as possible while confusion and tension are eliminated.

Bring in the correct crowd


Because trainees demonstrate their abilities during the training process, on-the-job training enables employers to identify the best candidates for the position. On-the-job training makes businesses more appealing to prospective employees.

These potential workers are aware that their time is being used wisely, and training allows companies to evaluate talents.

Forming a team

With on-the-job learning, new hires get to know their coworkers immediately away and begin integrating into the group. This establishes familiarity and gives new hires a chance to ask questions even after their training is finished.

Additionally, trainees can broaden their skill set as they progress and get greater familiarity with diverse workplace divisions.

Knowledge management basics

In order to prevent knowledge loss should they depart the organization, more seasoned personnel share their experience and expertise with the new hires. It obviously doesn’t include in-depth or specialized knowledge, but it’s something.

This is referred to as “knowledge management” by many businesses. In essence, you retain these skills and information within the organization by possessing more experienced workers who share their expertise in the profession.

Financial advantages

On-the-job training takes less time and takes place throughout the typical workday. Set learning sessions and occasionally seminars are necessary for traditional training.

The employee can perform a portion of the work obligations and increase the net value while also saving the employer money on training expenses.

Plan for on-the-job training using the below-mentioned best practices

You can introduce on-the-job training to your workplace with the help of these guidelines and best practices.


Determine prospective trainers

A new hire wouldn’t be allowed to handle any actual work by themselves. Therefore, you need to locate trainers who are eager to impart their expertise.

A reward for good worker performance ought to be chosen to train other employees. Additionally, it identifies which seasoned personnel can advance over time.

Not all leaders must also be trainers. The workers you choose for on-the-job training should, however, exhibit remarkable performance and a high degree of capacity and expertise in their line of work. If you lack the means to educate from inside your team, some firms choose to employ outside trainers.

Organize the training procedure

Any effective training program begins with a well-defined plan. Make a listing of the usual responsibilities required for the position and include information on the rules and processes staff members should be familiar with.

You must create a strategy and checklist for each work since this differs with each one.

Automate the education procedure

Provide accessibility to it if you have an educational environment with training resources that can address some work areas. It can enable the students to recall important knowledge while saving instructors time.

After the course, students can utilize it to review material or put anything into practice. Additionally, your staff will understand where to begin before turning to outside help or devoting time to another individual’s tasks.

Permit students to exercise their abilities

New hires should be permitted to practice their newfound knowledge while still closely supervised by their teacher.

Trainers ought to assess their effectiveness at this point. The instructor can identify and resolve any problems if any exist. Conduct an evaluation once the worker has finished their on-the-job training to make sure they have learned the skills required for the position.

Throughout and following training, check-in

Depending on how long the training will go, it can be required to evaluate progress along the way. For instance, assessing the trainee’s abilities after they have learned a certain component of their job.

Keep in mind that a key component of on-the-job training would be ensuring that new hires have the skills and knowledge to perform their duties independently.

Get input so you can improve

Obtain feedback from the instructor and the learner following the completion of on-the-job training. You may learn a lot about the effectiveness of your on-the-job training program from this.

You can first determine how successful on-the-job learning is for your business. Then you can evaluate any areas that might require improvement or any talents that might benefit from additional training.

You can learn more about how the learner and the instructor performed. This enables you to assess the trainer’s effectiveness and decide whether another staff would be more appropriate for the job.


Since these four illusions have been properly dispelled, you can be sure that on-the-job training serves a strategic function. OJT provides time and money savings, more productive and engaged workers, and the cultivation of talents that cannot be acquired when it is well-planned and managed. 

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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