
This blog post will outline the 13 great benefits of online learning for your organization. By the end of this article, you will understand why digital corporate training is a must-have to future-proof your firm’s L&D initiatives.

Online learning has become increasingly popular for businesses looking to upskill their employees. A recent report states that:

  • E-learning increases retention rates by 25% to 60%.
  • LMS platforms lead to an increase in income for 42% of organizations.
  • Firms with comprehensive training programs have 218% higher revenue per employee and 24% higher profit margins.
  • IBM saved approximately $200 million after switching to e-learning tools.
  • 2 in 5 Fortune 500 companies use learning management system software.

These are some impressive online education statistics that show the industry is booming. And with good reason. Online learning offers numerous benefits that traditional training methods can’t match.

From time savings to increased engagement, eLearning is a powerful tool for organizations looking to improve their employees’ skills and knowledge. This article will explore the 13 great benefits of online learning for your company.

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning: Your Go-to List

13 great benefits of online learning

1. Flexibility and Convenience

  • Online learning allows employees to learn at their own pace and schedule, enabling them to balance work and learning more effectively.
  • Employees can access learning materials from anywhere via the Internet, reducing the need for physical classroom space or training facilities.
  • The ability to pause and revisit sections of the training allows learners to reinforce their understanding of the material and improve retention.
  • E-learning can be adapted to different learning styles and preferences, with multimedia options such as videos, interactive exercises, and quizzes.

2. Cost Savings

  • Online learning eliminates the need for travel and accommodation expenses associated with traditional in-person training, reducing costs for both the company and employees.
  • The ability to train large numbers of trainees simultaneously reduces training costs per employee and increases efficiency.
  • E-learning allows for easy updating and distribution of training materials, reducing the cost of printing and shipping physical materials.
  • Online learning also enables easy tracking and reporting of employee progress, reducing the need for administrative staff and paperwork.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

3. Access to a Wide Range of Learning Materials

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning
  • Online learning provides access to many learning materials, including videos, articles, and interactive activities.
  • The variety of online learning materials can cater to different learning styles and preferences, increasing engagement and retention.
  • Online resources can also be updated quickly and easily, ensuring employees can access the latest information.

4. Consistency in Training

  • E-learning provides consistent employee training, ensuring they receive the same information and skills.
  • Consistent training can help to ensure that employees meet the same standards and expectations across the company.
  • Online training can also help reduce the risk of errors or inconsistencies arising when multiple trainers conduct training.

5. Improved Retention

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning
  • Employees can access engaging and interactive learning experiences with LMS platforms, increasing their interest and motivation.
  • Interested and engaged employees are likelier to retain and apply the information in their work.
  • As a result, employees feel more confident in their abilities, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

For instance, the best online learning platforms in India, like PlayAblo, offer personalized learning experiences that cater to individual learning needs, making it easier for employees to retain information and develop new skills.

6. Better Time Management

  • Online learning allows employees to learn at their own pace and on their schedule, which can lead to better time management.
  • Employees can learn during downtime or outside work hours, reducing time away from regular tasks.
  • This improved time management can increase productivity, as employees can balance their learning and work responsibilities more effectively.
  • Additionally, e-learning can improve work-life balance, as employees can learn from the comfort of their homes or office without needing travel or additional expenses.

LMS platforms like PlayAblo offer mobile learning options, allowing employees to learn on the go, further increasing their ability to manage their time efficiently.

7. Real-Time Performance Tracking

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning
  • Online learning platforms can provide real-time performance tracking by tracking employee progress, identifying areas where learners struggle, and monitoring overall engagement levels.
  • Managers can use these insights to provide personalized feedback and support to individual employees and make data-driven decisions about which training areas require additional resources or support.
  • This level of data tracking can also help organizations identify high-performing employees who may be eligible for promotions or other career development opportunities.

8. Increased Engagement

  • Through gamification, social learning, and interactive activities, e-learning can increase employee engagement.
  • Gamification, such as leaderboards, badges, and rewards, can motivate learners and make the learning experience more enjoyable and interactive.
  • Social learning, including discussion forums and peer-to-peer learning, can provide opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a sense of community.
  • Interactive activities like simulations, quizzes, and case studies can help employees practically apply knowledge, increasing their confidence and engagement levels.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

9. Personalized Learning

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning
  • Online learning allows for creating tailored learning paths based on employees’ interests, skill levels, and job responsibilities.
  • With algorithms and analytics, e-learning tools can track employee progress and adjust learning materials to suit individual needs.
  • Employees can learn independently and access resources relevant to their specific learning goals and career aspirations.

10. Scalability

  • Online learning can be scaled to meet the needs of large organizations with employees located across different regions or countries.
  • Training materials can be easily uploaded to an online platform and made accessible to all employees, regardless of location.
  • Online learning can also reduce the cost and time associated with in-person training, making it a more scalable and cost-effective solution for large organizations.

11. Environmentally-Friendly

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning
  • Online learning platforms eliminate the need for printed materials like books and handouts, which can reduce paper waste and save trees.
  • It also reduces the need for travel, which can decrease carbon emissions and fuel consumption.
  • By using online platforms for learning, companies can reduce the need for physical resources, such as classrooms and equipment.

12. Increased Competitiveness

  • Online learning can help employees stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, giving companies a competitive edge.
  • By investing in online learning, companies can attract top talent who value continuous learning and development opportunities.
  • Online learning can also help companies quickly adapt to changes in the market or industry, giving them a competitive advantage over slower-moving competitors.

13. Global Reach

  • Online learning can reach employees in different geographic locations, regardless of time zones or physical distance.
  • With eLearning, companies can quickly train employees in different parts of the world without needing travel or on-site training sessions.
  • This allows for greater consistency in training across locations, as all employees receive the same information and skills.
  • E-learning can facilitate cross-cultural communication and collaboration by providing a platform for employees worldwide to interact and learn from each other.

For example, eLearning platforms can include discussion forums or virtual classrooms where employees can share their experiences and insights with colleagues from different countries and cultures. This can help promote a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture, increasing innovation and creativity.

The Future of Online Learning: Trends and Predictions

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning

As you can see, eLearning tools come with a slew of benefits. As online learning continues gaining popularity and acceptance, businesses must keep up with the latest trends and predictions for how it will evolve. Here are some key areas to watch:

Personalization and Adaptive Learning

  • As online learning platforms become more sophisticated, they will increasingly use data and analytics to personalize the learning experience for individual employees.
  • Adaptive learning, which uses algorithms to adjust the difficulty and pace of the learning material based on the learner’s progress, will become more prevalent.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

  • Some LMS platforms already use virtual and augmented reality technologies to provide immersive and engaging learning experiences.
  • As technology becomes more affordable and accessible, we expect more widespread use of VR and AR in learning management system software.


  • Microlearning, which breaks learning into small, digestible chunks, is already popular in LMS platforms.
  • We can expect to see even more emphasis on this e-learning tool in the future, as it aligns with the trend of shorter attention spans and the need for just-in-time learning.

Mobile Learning

  • With most people using mobile devices for internet access, mobile learning will continue to grow in popularity as an e-learning tool.
  • LMS platforms must prioritize mobile responsiveness and ease of use to remain competitive.

Social and Collaborative Learning

  • Social and collaborative learning, which involves learners interacting and sharing knowledge with each other, is becoming more common in online learning.
  • We can expect to see even more emphasis on social and collaborative learning in the future, as it aligns with the trend of personalized and interactive learning experiences.


  • Gamification, which uses game elements to motivate and engage learners, is already used in online learning programs.
  • In the future, we can expect to see even more use of gamification in e-learning, as it can help to make learning more enjoyable and effective.

To sum it up, the future of online learning looks bright, with new technologies and approaches continuing to emerge. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and incorporating them into your learning programs, your business can stay competitive and provide your employees with the best learning experiences.

Boosting Employee Engagement and Skills through Online Learning: A Case Study

13 Great Benefits of Online Learning

Let’s say XYZ Corporation is a multinational company with over 10,000 employees spread across different regions and countries. To improve the skills and performance of its workforce, it decided to implement an online learning program using PlayAblo — among the best online learning platforms in India. The following case study highlights the benefits and trends of online learning in the context of XYZ Corporation.


  • To improve employee engagement and retention
  • To provide scalable and cost-effective training to a large and geographically diverse workforce
  • To leverage the latest trends and technologies in online learning to enhance the learning experience and outcomes


  • XYZ Corporation partnered with PlayAblo to develop customized online courses for its employees based on their job roles, skills, and learning needs.
  • The courses included interactive modules, videos, quizzes, and gamification elements to make the learning experience engaging and immersive.
  • The courses were accessible on desktop and mobile devices, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and convenience.
  • The courses were designed to be scalable and flexible, enabling XYZ Corporation to train employees across different locations and time zones.


  • Improved engagement: The online learning program significantly increased employee engagement and satisfaction, as evidenced by surveys and feedback. Employees appreciated the convenience and flexibility of e-learning tools and the variety of learning materials and activities available.
  • Enhanced skills: The online learning program resulted in a measurable improvement in employees’ skills and knowledge, as shown by performance metrics and assessments. Employees could apply the newly acquired skills and knowledge in their work, leading to better performance and outcomes.
  • Cost savings: The new e-learning tool helped XYZ Corporation save costs on travel, accommodation, and other training expenses, as well as reduce the time and effort required to deliver training to a large workforce.
  • Global reach: E-learning enabled XYZ Corporation to reach employees in different regions and countries, facilitating cross-cultural communication and collaboration.


  • Microlearning: XYZ Corporation adopted this e-learning tool in designing its online courses, which involves breaking down learning content into small, digestible chunks that can be consumed easily and quickly. This trend is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness in improving retention and engagement.
  • Artificial intelligence: AI algorithms helped personalize the learning experience for each employee based on their learning history and preferences. This trend is expected to grow in the coming years as AI can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of online learning.
  • Mobile learning: XYZ Corporation made its online courses accessible on e-learning tools like iPads and mobile devices, recognizing the growing trend of mobile learning and the need for on-the-go training. This trend will continue as more employees prefer to learn on their mobile devices.


Online learning has become essential for companies to enhance their employees’ skills, engagement, and performance. Through the case study of XYZ Corporation, we have seen how online learning can deliver significant benefits in terms of cost savings, scalability, global reach, and trends such as microlearning, AI, and mobile learning. As the future of work evolves, online learning is poised to play an even more significant role in helping companies stay competitive and agile.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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