
The last couple of years have been transformative in the history of corporate learning. In fact, “The total revenue for mobile learning is expected to grow at 36.76% up to 2029, reaching nearly US$ 623.88 Bn.” Yes, the rapid digitization of learning and development, aka L&D, is now one area that demands maximum priority in your annual calendar. Therefore, this means that L&D managers must be aware of the latest trends in online training. Only then will they be able to recognize the L&D/LD challenges associated with deploying eLearning in their organizations.

To help you out, here is a rundown of the top L&D challenges the management will need to overcome in the coming years.

7 L&D Challenges That L&D Managers Need to Look Out For in the Future
 LD challenges
1. Swift Upskilling and Reskilling

With the rapid shift to remote, work-from-home options, the need to reskill employees has seen a sudden rise — to adjust to the new normal. Newer solutions, products, and processes are evolving. Moreover, the workforces are now spread out in varied destinations and speak multiple languages. So, what is the way out? Previously, L&D leaders used to plan to address skill gaps in advance. However, now, they are time-strapped and must resolve disparities in talents super-fast. They are required to create new learning sessions at a swift pace. The luxury of time is ZERO.

Hence, the only approach is agility. One of the foremost L&D challenges is that currently, managers cannot afford to rely only on preemptive planning. Agile learning methodologies, which focus on speed, flexibility, and collaboration, are the future of L&D. It will allow the management to timely resolve skill gaps and ensure that there are no obstacles in achieving business goals.

Read More: 15 Workplace eLearning Statistics for L&D Leaders
2. Performance-oriented Training

Learning without any tangible output does not hold any meaning. Another of the L&D challenges faced by Chief Learning Officers is to prove to the management that the eLearning methodology they choose can produce measurable results. Corporate training must boost business performance and not be something that merely reskills employees with zero outcomes. Therefore, we expect to witness a gradual increase in the number of transformer CLOs. Why? Because the top management will view talent refurbishing with scrutiny to positively impact your end organizational goals. Hence, one is required to design L&D programs based on boosting employee performance apart from skills.

Read More: Moving to eLearning and its Impact on Your L&D Budget!
3. Learning as a Part of Continuous Organizational Culture
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Training on the job will become part and parcel of the organizational culture. L&D teams need to embed learning into the backbone of companies — as an inevitable part of everyday tasks. Only then employees will be able to develop the applicable skills. No. You cannot schedule one day for learning lessons anymore! L&D needs to become an everyday activity where it can actively engage the entire workforce. They must put in effort to find the required answers and gather knowledge to solve workplace problems.

Read More: Building a Culture of Learning!
4. Integration of Virtual and Digital Learning Methodologies

Proactive action is always better than reaction. When the world faced the first wave of the pandemic, several organizations resorted to reactive measures to combat the catastrophe—the migration from classroom training to online models rapidly under an external force. The transformation to digital has been fast in all areas, but the progression in L&D has been faster. So, what are the significant L&D challenges here? Well, for instance, now leaders have to understand what works and what does not in this situation. For example, we know that regular Zoom sessions can become tiresome. Hence, only virtual classrooms are not the solution.

The best solution is a merger of virtual and digital learning methodologies. Keeping a good balance between the two will feature high on the business priority list in 2021. This must be supported by the learners’ need for social collaboration and value addition.

Read More: Remote Learning in The Post-Pandemic Workplace
5. Data-driven Learning

One of the major L&D challenges/ trends in 2021 is the mainstream adoption of data in corporate learning design. Yes, this will become the go-to approach for companies in the next couple of years. Learning modules will need to be created while keeping in mind both organizational and employee benefits. Data-driven insights will drive corporate training to be a part of the company-wide culture instead of serving only as stand-alone sessions. This will be accentuated with active engagement and tapping into tacit organizational knowledge. The end result? A continual cycle of learning success that one can iterate as many times as possible.

Read More: 5 Trends Companies are Adopting to Prepare for the Post-pandemic Workplace.
6. Bite-sized Microlearning
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Micro-learning will become an everyday practice in 2021 — thanks to the learning habits of the modern generation, which is geared toward consuming information in bites. Microlearning will be targeted at disseminating the required skills that are aligned with the organization’s key expectations in small learning units.

PlayAblo‘s microlearning chunks are packed with just the necessary amount of knowledge to help learners achieve a goal. This approach allows learners to relearn a subject several times. They can know about multiple technologies and domains — rendering them apt to solve any contemporary problem. Companies are also pushing learning so that it is much more accessible to the employees, across the different channels and devices.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is for the modern corporate learner. Moreover, micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement along with sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Read More: Micro-learning for Super-efficient Workplace Training
7. Increased EQ

Currently, people are not only working from home but also learning from the comforts of their living rooms. Therefore, the entire concept of maintaining a work-life balance has taken a completely different turn. Yes, there is flexibility but it is difficult to decide when the workday ends and personal time begins. This is where relevant soft skills make an entry to help employees balance professional and personal times. Hence, one of the L&D challenges is to introduce sessions that address the growing need for empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ), especially in senior roles.


As you can see, L&D will become an inevitable, integral, and strategic part of organizational policies — aligned more with company-wide priorities and business operations. Furthermore, the L&D team will be a driving force in developing self-paced learning programs that encourage knowledge sharing in the company. Beyond multiple technologies and domains, corporate training has to become a part of the organizational culture that is interconnected to the big picture. If you want further information on how to cope with these emerging L&D challenges and trends, our experts at PlayAblo are here to help you out!

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is for the modern corporate learner. Moreover, micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement along with sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!