Corporate Learning Advisor (Page 13)

Anisha Dutta, our Corporate Learning Advisor, holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and did her master's from IIM Udaipur and Purdue University. She loves working on pieces that require deep research and foresight. Apart from that, she is a voracious reader. Movies, music, and tv shows are the next addiction. Otherwise, she also happens to be an avid traveler, a poet, and an animal lover.


Immersive corporate training courses go beyond the limitations of conventional L&D approaches. They offer an engaging and experiential learning environment that fosters skill development, retention, and practical application. But how? By immersing employees in realistic scenarios and simulated environments, these programs enable them to apply their knowledge in a controlledContinue Reading

LMS Platforms

Why are LMS platforms so crucial now? In today’s competitive business landscape, investing in employee development has become more critical than ever. Corporate training is no longer just a box-ticking exercise but an essential component of business strategy to keep your organization ahead of the competition. A well-designed and executedContinue Reading

processing industry training

Processing industry training and why is it important? Well, processing industries are businesses that collect, distribute, and process raw materials for production of semi-finished or premium-quality end products using chemical, physical, and mechanical processes. Now, if we specifically consider the food processing sector, its employee turnover is extremely high — 50 percent, 75Continue Reading