
Microlearning, corporate training in mini modules, is a quick, simple, and enjoyable staff training method sweeping the globe. By 2024, the microlearning market is expected to increase to $2.7 billion. However, when and why should you incorporate microlearning into your employee training?

Where is microlearning Used: 10 powerful examples

microlearning examples

Before moving on to our collection of microlearning use cases, here are some pointers and recommended practices for successful microlearning:

  • Create flexible, compact microlearning materials with workflow in mind. Ensure the information doesn’t stray from emphasizing a single or two objectives.
  • Make the material available so students can access it whenever, wherever, and on whatever device they like.
  • Don’t cram too many extraneous graphics or high-definition videos into your microlearning lessons because many online students utilize their networks and mobile devices to study. Some blended learners may lack the personal data packages or network storage capacity to handle such capabilities.
  • Ensure material is housed logically so students can easily access it when needed.
  • Use various content types, such as short films, eBooks, illustrations, podcasts, overview PDFs, sampling checklists, fast reference manuals, and articles with “How to…” instructions.
  • Make sure your library of microlearning materials has strong linkages to professional education so students can use it for reviewing and refresher training.
  • Utilize microlearning as pre-, during-, and post-learning content while creating traditional ILT and VILT to assist learners in accessing supplemental and optional information. This will boost their confidence in these tools and assist them in exploring and learning the effectiveness of personalized learning as a productivity booster.

That being said, let’s now check out some excellent real-world examples of microlearning in corporate training!

Example 1: To enhance onboarding

How you integrate new employees affects how effectively they perform. Additionally, it makes it quite evident how well they are valued as colleagues. And regrettably, the majority of workers aren’t too keen on that idea. Over 88% of professionals believe there is more room for improvement in how their organization welcomes them as new employees.

Many onboarding programs don’t equip new hires with the information and abilities they require to be successful in their positions. This ultimately costs employers since it increases the likelihood of attrition. Within only 45 days, 20% of hires quit their jobs, yet effective onboarding raises retention by 25%.

A successful onboarding process gives new hires the knowledge they need to thrive immediately without overwhelming them. And for that reason, microlearning is a fantastic resource in a company’s toolbox for onboarding. Microlearning offers brand-new employees a secure environment where they may use the knowledge they’ve acquired in fictitious settings, such as quizzes and competitions with colleagues.

They will be fully equipped for accomplishment once they venture out by themselves in this manner. Employ microlearning, for instance, to break up a new individual’s first month into manageable portions. Offer your staff micro-courses on a broad topic every day — such as corporate branding.

Example 2: To promote mentoring initiatives

microlearning examples

You can use an innovative microlearning program to alter how your leaders view critical procedures like mentoring. The idea is to implement a ‘microlearning inside a macrolearning pathway‘ and make the learning available to your leadership throughout all times on their smartphones — featuring brief, concise topics for successful learning.

The course can use graphical images that link microlearning morsels with a macrolearning journey for a distinct singular perspective. Clearly explain concepts using takeaways or task aids such as concise metaphors, infographics, and iPDFs.

This type of modified leadership training will yield more effective participation rates in mentor-mentee programs at an organizational level, resulting from the informed implementation of mentoring principles that can benefit both mentors and their mentees.

Example 3: For blended learning

After the outbreak, most companies want to resume some form of classroom-based instruction. However, only 8% intend to utilize this as their primary training method. According to studies, combining traditional classroom instruction with digital and peer-to-peer exchanges helps students retain knowledge and learn new abilities more quickly.

Microlearning can support in-person education rather than completely replace it. Video conferencing will eventually take the role of in-person meetings. Workers face the threat of their students dozing off if the wrong approach is taken.

We all can identify with the sensation of feeling zoned out sometimes for the rest of the work day. To make digital sessions more attractive and gain a sense of how your trainees are doing and what they have learned, use microlearning to test individuals prior to, throughout, and after a training session.

You may maximize the little face-to-face interaction you spend with your staff by combining microlearning and it. As an illustration, send a questionnaire to attendees before, during, and just after the class to aid their memory, then post their results on a scoreboard to encourage friendly rivalry!

Example 4: To introduce new tech

microlearning examples

It’s getting more popular to buy new equipment or replace outdated technology. However, organizing a 60-minute-long training program for useful technology will undoubtedly cause your trainees to roll their eyes. Yet, with microlearning, your company can lead its staff members through a new technique, stepwise, to get them to familiarize themselves with it. This is preferable to reading a protracted, tedious handbook.

Additionally, it is a considerably more economical method of employee training. Cost minimization is a primary justification for micro-learning, especially considering how much firms spend selecting, procuring, and upgrading processes, technology, and applications. For instance, you can design microlearning paths unique to a worker’s job function, such as classes on how to use a new POS system.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Example 5: To help employees retain information

80% of instruction is lost three days after it is acquired. If employees don’t remember what they learn after countless hours of training, is there any point in offering instruction? In this situation, microlearning is useful. You may and ought to conclude every microlearning lesson with a test because all of them are structured around one helpful piece of information.

According to the Cognitive Load Theory, an individual’s working memory only can keep five to nine items at once before it becomes too full. Those items must be successfully transferred into the learner’s long-term memory with repeat practice.

Among the diverse ways, microlearning can improve information retention is by concluding each class with a questionnaire and repeating the same questions later. For instance: Add variety to your questions using several quiz styles, such as incomplete words, picture selections, etc.

Example 6: To give learners control over their learning

microlearning examples

Everybody learns uniquely. And the most incredible method to retain information is to go back over it anytime you feel the need. Work-based learning should resemble a delicious banquet rather than a sit-down diner where the servers rarely walk over to inquire whether you’d like anything to eat.

The ideal strategy for making your learning available so learners can review training material whenever they want is to combine microlearning with mLearning. For instance, provide a repository of courses with microlearning materials that staff members can access anytime they need a refresher.

Your microlearning portal should provide an offline function so that users may download and finish courses while on the move.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Example 7: To measure the impact of training

One of its main issues is the inability to measure the results of traditional workplace training. There is no way to know what percentage of the knowledge has stayed, even though you have all employees in one place, until it is too late. Microlearning is a fantastic approach to seeing how your staff members respond to your training materials.

The entire point of microlearning is to reorganize instruction around a single, relevant theme, which is self-contained, freestanding, and measurable in terms of how effectively it has been applied. Quiz results and micro-course pass rates are excellent indicators to track. They let you determine what is and is not being retained by your students so that, if needed, you may alter the style or substance.

At a superior stage, employing microlearning to measure your training results enables you to support financial commitments, generate business cases, and enhance employee satisfaction. For instance: Test two distinct microlearning material formats, such as videos and an illustration, and assess their success rates to determine which is more effective.

Utilize a panel to show course metrics in real time so that you can intervene fast if you detect a decline in achievement levels or scoring trends.

Example 8: To empower leadership with JIT learning

microlearning examples

This course aims to create a comprehensive collection of leadership training to educate and inspire managers to successfully develop themselves and their colleagues. Use microlearning to deliver just-in-time (JIT) learning using suitable forms such as video, relevant practice situations, interactive learning features, and digital performance toolkits that leaders can absorb on the move.

Incorporate short, simple practice scenarios to encourage decision-making as a component of mini-tasks and a variety of videos — that will serve as a crucial medium for bite-sized performance and learning assistance. Owing to the just-in-time approach, this course will encourage better completion rates while positively influencing leaders’ performance efficiency after the training.

Example 9: To make training more agile

Frequently, gathering all your staff in one location for training on a crucial subject, such as launching a new product or a revised return policy, is not realistic, feasible, or cost-effective. Your learners won’t be very interested in extended Teams calls that take the place of in-person meetings.

As a company, you want to ensure that every worker has undergone the required training and understood everything. The brilliance of the microlearning style is that it increases knowledge retention while also providing companies with a way to track down employees who have and have not finished their training.

The correct authoring tool simplifies building new programs and quickly distributing them to your staff. Rolling out lessons is considerably more straightforward if your writing software has a drag-and-drop feature. This provides the comfort of assurance and assists your business in adhering to legal requirements and safeguarding the safety and well-being of both customers and staff.

Example 10: To develop on-demand training

This microlearning example aims to develop a scalable, straightforward, on-demand instruction that volunteering trainers might use as needed while unintentionally picking up new skills. You can employ experiential microlearning styles — combined with multiple scenarios drawn from actual events and various performance templates as downloaded files.

Use course management tools and realistic scenarios to push ideas to make the learning process meaningful. For an interactive experience, integrate microlearning types like podcasts and video-based exercises in simple designs. Ultimately, the training shall help learners become more confident in their ability to lead live sessions and immediately utilize what they learn throughout the training in their practice sessions.

Wrapping it up

Microlearning nuggets make learning more interactive and enjoyable while providing guidance in the time of need and studying in the workflow. They also don’t unnecessarily strain a learner’s focus and concentration. The result is that corporate trainers achieve their learning goals, and everyone who wants to learn has an equal chance of doing so in the blended workplace of today.

Your workplace training could become a delicious learning array with the help of microlearning. Your employees will return for additional learning with the proper plan. With the use of PlayAblo’s mobile microlearning platform, enable your workers to learn more quickly and perform better!

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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