
For the modern blended workforce, mLearning counts among the non-missable training methods. In this post, we will provide a few mLearning examples that incorporate lifelong improvement and explain how you may leverage it for quickly retraining or upskilling your blended workplace model.

Benefits of mLearning for the Blended Workforce

The altered work dynamic post the COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reality that companies must deal with. Businesses now have to cope with all facets of a mixed environment as workers shift from an intermittent work-from-home model to one that is primarily flexible and virtual. To accommodate this new employment structure, learning must change. The capacity to allow students to acquire knowledge on the move is among the most critical tactics for effectiveness in this existing work scenario.

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The corporate environments are changing quickly as well. mLearning is indispensable for the quick up- and re-skilling of workers. Both firms and staff can use eLearning and blended learning via mobile devices for ongoing education. L&D professionals can use mLearning to serve continually changing business requirements by developing an infrastructure centered around the LIFOW – Learn In The Flow of Work — model. Compelling mLearning examples can teach L&D specialists and training supervisors a great deal.

How Can mLearning Examples Be Used for Workplace Training?

Mobile learning has several benefits over conventional learning and ILT (instructor-led training), including the ability to enable portable knowledge acquisition and allow employees to use any teaching technique of their preference. mLearning must therefore be incorporated into any training schedule for blended learning.

Besides the anywhere-anytime paradigm, you can make the most of mLearning with a strategy that aligns with learner needs in the altered organizational processes, as seen in the below approaches:

Self-motivated education

Most of the workforce inside the novel hybrid workplace model is autonomous and self-directed. mLearning can help hybrid workers follow a pathway of ongoing learning by creating bite-sized learning bites that can be consumed on smartphones accessible to them. Self-directed trainees can design their independent learning paths using a learner-centric methodology to mLearning.

Utilizing the 70-20-10 paradigm with mobile learning

The 70-20-10 paradigm is used in numerous mLearning examples. If used efficiently, mLearning can be incorporated into the 70-20-10 theory of teaching in a blended workplace. This includes informal learning, which accounts for 70% of education; just-in-time learning, which offers 20% of learning; and formal training, which makes up the remainder of 10% of professional growth.

For supervised learning and to counterbalance the forgetting curve

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Professionals must continuously acquire and implement new skills, information, and concepts within the fast-paced blended workplace. Employees may be more likely to forget infrequently utilized procedures and protocols. mLearning can help staff members review and reinforce previously learned abilities in several ways, including usingcklists, fact sheets, PDF files, flashcards, and other tools.

mLearning is a fantastic tool to promote a culture of continual learning, which is essential for overcoming the difficulties presented by the forgetting curve. This is particularly pertinent in blended environments, where remote workers frequently lack access to on-demand, in-person buddy assistance.


There is often less internal support available to hybrid employees than for office workers. The main goal of LIFOW is to establish a learn-practice-apply system. When confronted with a difficult workplace situation, hybrid trainees can pick up new information fast, adapt it to resolve the problem at hand, and continue living their professional lives.

Mobile learners can accomplish this goal via just-in-time teaching aids. If a hybrid worker is confronted with an urgent work issue, they can receive bite-sized educational material delivered through microlearning modules. They can pick up that ability swiftly, hone it, then employ it to deal with the current problem.

Purposeful practice 

Deliberate practice with mLearning tools and assistance enhances the usefulness of formal education since practice leads to perfection. Instructors can promote a culture of ongoing practice to perfect previously learned abilities by using a variety of mLearning examples, including simulations, questionnaires, and videos.

What Tactics Are Available to Improve the Effectiveness of mLearning?

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To increase the effectiveness of  mLearning programs within the blended workforce, trainers can implement a few of the following approaches:

mLearning applications

Several hybrid workers always keep their smartphones with them and utilize them as tools for the job. To assist remote workers in keeping track of what they have to learn, a training application can deliver learning snippets like tools and tricks, top morning tips, or 10 workplace practices to remember.


It is simpler for blended workers to lose motivation to learn due to a higher susceptibility to disruptions and distractions. Gamification could increase learning engagement and allure to remote users as a component of an efficient mLearning approach.


Blended workforces frequently conduct their work while being on the move. This implies that people often use handheld apps to get training. Hybrid trainees can more effectively acquire and implement mLearning content for the industry by employing microlearning tactics that use shortened lessons, truncated information, and minimal learning aids.

Videos should be brief and concise, and the visuals should be minimal. Instances of video-based mLearning include describing essential rules and policies and providing brief (3 to 5-minute) advice about how to carry out a specific activity.

Social learning

Blended workers might not collaborate with or work concurrently with their coworkers. Managers and supervisors might use social media sites and other regulated social learning activities to address this discrepancy.

Programs for mLearning must adjust to the demands of each organization. If any of the tactics above don’t perform well for your company, consider using others to directly support additional contemporary learning forms, including webinars, podcasts, AR, VR, or MR.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

What Are the Key Features of Mobile Learning Platforms?

Not every hybrid workplace is the same, and not every educational approach is identical. Each has particular requirements and limitations. Nevertheless, L&D leaders can incorporate several effective mLearning styles into their training plans.

  • Regular podcasts about themes relevant to the job for hybrid workers to hear during downtime or while carrying out personal tasks.
  • Downloadable micro-videos, created as small-form-factor information bits. These films can be used for various things, such as fast job aids, refreshers, feedback tools, and instructional objectives to be viewed between conferences or assignments.
  • Simulations in formats, including 3D content, video, and infographics. They can help hybrid workers quickly comprehend critical elements of a problem at work, like how to counter a tough customer, sales basics, etc.
  • Bulleted lists as guides for doing jobs that aren’t carried out very often. For instance, before completing their performance evaluation document, they should ensure they have covered all essential aspects.
  • “How to…” guides in formats of interactive flowcharts.
  • Web-based templates educate hybrid workers on new procedures and protocols since they may not operate during the same hours as their coworkers. Templates that handle regularly occurring workplace problems can be made by trainers and hosted online. These materials are available to hybrid staff, who can use them in times of need or as educational materials to pick up best practices.

Series of short practice tests that staff members can access online from any location, device, or hour. For example, blended workers may assess their knowledge via multiple-choice tests on various subjects to complement a lesson about new rules for completing timesheets.  

6 mLearning Examples in the Blended Workplace

hybrid learning

Reinforcement training with story-based gamification

Developing engaging compliance training courses that can help your blended workforce consider the effects of their choices is necessary.

  • Through obstacles and personalized feedback, use characters, stories, and compelling game logic to drive the learning process.
  • Ask your learners to aid the main character in his quest to discover the truth by asking thoughtful questions and making quick decisions.
  • Employees who make intelligent decisions will advance — leaving behind the ones who make poor choices. In this manner, story-based regular reinforcing can make learning enjoyable and successful for your blended workforce.

Gamified mLearning to train leaders

The goal is to use a gamified method to teach trainees essential leadership qualities. Online training requires simulations, gamification, and compelling encounters in the same way that in-person management instruction can be made effective through exercises and role-plays.

The strategy used in this instance accomplishes it. This is how:

  • Employ scenario-based questions based on real-life situations to help hybrid employees relate to genuine work settings.
  • Use time restrictions in the events to foster competition and increase interest.
  • Directly map a scoring system and logical game components to learning objectives that suit the demands of hybrid personnel.
  • To make the learning exciting and appealing, utilize rich images.
  • Design the user interface with on-the-go hybrid workers in mind.

Gamified etiquette training

This training aims to educate and assess your blended workforce’s understanding of meeting etiquette.

This is what it involves:

  • Produce an enriching experience by employing highly personalized feedback, flashcards, unique points, rating scales, and other tools.
  • Create a memorable learning experience via a pleasant game with multiple gaming aspects in one setting.

Cybersecurity training with word games

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This training aims to aid your blended workforce in comprehending basic cybersecurity concepts. Students will find the event engaging and enticing because of the methodology used.

In a nutshell, the strategy is as follows:

  • Create a relatable offline or online board game for hybrid employees to relate to the experience immediately.
  • Use individualized feedback and enlivening sound effects to enable learners to understand better and remember cybersecurity topics.
  • Incorporate cues to meet the needs of hybrid learners with different degrees of experience.

Selecting the correct sequence for workplace processes

The learning objectives of this course are to teach the steps of a process in order. Give your employees custom scores based on their suggestions after being asked to rank items from 1 to 10. This method often outperforms in-person training when it comes to familiarizing hybrid staff with processes and systems.

  • Embed realistic situations in the narrative of the main character.
    Ask the participants to make choices related to outcomes from the actual world, such as customer satisfaction ratings.
    The ability to enter language on the screen to arrange things and apply hints at the expense of lower scores can serve as the differentiating element.
  • Use a fully mobile-compatible experience to implement this and enable excellent learning for hybrid audiences.

mLearning with powerful visuals and gaming logic to teach body language

Let’s assume you wish to train your blended workforce on effective body language. The strategy can use images and effects to replicate and boost the impact of in-person training, creating the ideal environment for hybrid employees to learn remotely.

  • To illustrate different body language nuances, carefully select imagery from various sources.
  • Effective game logic, a points system, and entertaining sound effects contribute to the game’s increased interest.
    This can be a fantastic learning experience because each choice receives personalized feedback.

Wrapping it up

Our workplace dynamics have changed with the new hybrid work model now permanently entrenched. Therefore, employers and L&D experts must react appropriately to accommodate remote or blended workforces. One of these critical strategies is mobile learning.

We believe the mobile learning examples presented here will assist you in incorporating them into your overall training plans and improving learning for the hybrid workforce. In the interim, please contact us if you have any particular questions.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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