gamification of learning

Numbers do not lie! “80% of US employees admit that game-based learning is more engaging than regular sessions. Organizations that integrate gamified elements in their L&D process have reported a 50% increase in productivity” — Finances Online. This stat underlines how gamification of learning in corporate training leads to increased employee engagement, performance, and efficiency.

Now, why are game-based training processes so effective? What is gamification meaning? The fictional Mary Poppins quoted: “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” Gamification of learning modules enhances learner engagement by introducing the ‘fun’ factor.

What Is Gamification In Learning?

When you incorporate corporate learning games to disseminate knowledge and offer training, the trainee’s interest component multiplies. They start enjoying every moment of their ‘learning’ sessions (sometimes, maybe, unknowingly!). It translates to increased course retention and completion rates. The result? A super-efficient and high-impact corporate training program!

gamification of learning

How Does Gamification Work?

Experts segment the gamification in corporate learning into two broad groups. The consumer-based approach and the enterprise-based method. In the latter, gamified tools are used for employee training, increased sales, product development, and support. And in this article, we will explain why you should embed gamification of learning in your training models. We will also explore how you can get started with this strategy to address your diverse corporate needs. Let’s dive in.

What Are the Benefits of Gamification in Corporate Training?

You can use gamification of learning in corporate training to address various aspects such as improved learning and teamwork. Moreover, gamification of learning leads to easier interactions among recruits and enhanced retention of information.

gamification corporate learning

But these are just a small part of the numerous upsides of game-based training modules. So, let’s explain them in detail.

1. Behavioral Changes

gamification meaning

Gamification of learning in corporate training can induce positive behavioral changes among learners. How? Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation encourage trainees to study a subject. Extrinsic motivation includes external elements like rewards. Intrinsic motivation is internal, comprising fun, satisfaction, autonomy, and a sense of achievement. A right balance between internal and external aspects in your training strategy leads to increased encouragement. Therefore, the final combo translates to adequate performance levels.

2. Instantaneous Feedback

gamification training and development

Feedback is vital for learners to gauge their performance. It helps them to improve their learning prowess and methods. In gamified corporate training, instant feedback enables trainees to take corrective actions immediately. For instance, if your software gives a short report on the progress, scores, and achievements following a task completion, the learner will instantly try to beat his score again.

Repeated trials and the subsequent redressal of mistakes translate to faster rewiring of data. Why? The learner revisits the course until s/he is thorough with the concepts. Thus, continual feedback leads to better retention and recall of the topics at hand via gamification in employee training.

3. Augmented Employee Productivity

gamification corporate training

Research suggests that gamification in corporate training increases 80% of employees’ productivity levels in an organization. As you already know, corporate training aims to upskill, reskill, and polish employees’ existing knowledge. In short, it enables them to perform better, leading to enhanced productivity.

Now, when you gamify corporate e-learning, your engaged learners are motivated to finish the course faster. After completing their training, they can get to their tasks more quickly! Additionally, constant motivation and behavioral changes at the workplace lead to an expedited boost in employee productivity.

4. Increased Engagement Levels

gamification employee training

Learner engagement means how vested is a learner to participate in a particular course. The current Gen Z has limited attention spans and multiple distractions. Hence, a significant issue faced by corporate L&D is to sustain the interest levels of their trainees. Traditional classroom sessions make the learning process too dull for the modern generation. However, Millenials love games! Therefore, when you infuse eLearning with gamification, you can bring your learners back to the fold!

5. Flexibility

Gamification of learning and online corporate training enables employees to learn at their own pace. Now, who does not love the flexibility? However, self-controlled learning means a lack of consistency at times. Again, an employee is prone to leave a specific course in-between when s/he gets bored. However, gamification can address this problem. Hence, introducing fun elements removes the boredom aspect, keeping the learner glued to his study until its completion.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Corporate Learning solution is robust yet very lightweight and fun to use ensuring a high degree of engagement and course completion. Find out more and request a custom demo!

How to Implement Gamification in an LMS?

As you can see, gamification in corporate training leads to multiple benefits. So are you ready to gamify your corporate training modules? If yes, what should be your first steps to get started? Let’s check them out.

1. Define Your Goals

gamification training

The first step to introducing game-based elements in your learning process is to set your goals. Which skills do you need your employees to acquire? Can gamification deliver a consistent learning experience? How will you measure your trainees’ progress levels? Once you have the answers to these questions, you can develop an effective ‘gamification of learning’ strategy for your organization’s training needs.

2. Have a Reward System in Place

gamified corporate training

To motivate your employees to put in their best efforts, you need to incorporate tangible and relatable rewards for each milestone. For instance, in marketing and sales, you will train your team to sell products successfully. Next, you can add a bonus for every completed achievement during the training process. Moreover, you can even connect these points to their real-life commission rates.

3. Introduce Challenges

gamification for training

Additional challenges mean better outcomes. Challenging games should push your learners to the next level. It will ensure that the employee stays increasingly vested in finishing his course. Now, combine this with healthy competition, and they will be encouraged to beat their peers.

4. Go Social

Social learning encourages peer learning and social interaction. For instance, if you create a discussion forum embedded with gamified elements, it will increase collaboration and sharing of thoughts. In short, peer-to-peer learning is an effective way to improve one’s knowledge base.

Final Thoughts

Gamification is a vital tool in corporate training. You can use it for product training, sales training, and onboarding training. Additionally, you can incorporate it in compliance training, professional skills training, quality assurance training, and soft skills training. And we hope this blog has provided you with some necessary pointers on why and how to gamify training modules. If you have any queries on how to create high-impact, game-based eLearning models, we are just a call away!

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!