
Individuals make up businesses, and recruiting is the process of bringing people into a company. Hiring managers are the ones who find frontline workers, qualified professionals, and senior executives at every level of the business. The quality of a team’s work is paramount. Companies can monitor their hiring process and employee adjustability, enhance their brand and corporate rapport, and secure team sustainability by using recruitment metrics. In this essay, we’ll go through the most critical recruitment indicators and how to evaluate them. In addition, we’ll teach you how to use a corporate LMS in e learning in education to improve recruitment analytics.

What Do You Mean By Recruitment Metrics?

One type of HR indicator that demonstrates how well recruitment progresses is the recruitment metrics. You can use these metrics to evaluate the hiring process, identify potential bottlenecks, and optimize hiring in your company. You may quickly calculate recruitment metrics using in-house data. They’re used at every stage of the hiring process and can be separated into numerous categories. We’ll go over each one individually and supply you with the necessary formulas. Let’s get started!

What Are The Primary Types of Recruitment Metrics?
Sourcing metrics

These recruitment metrics indicators are used by recruitment teams while looking for new employees. They assist in determining where to post job openings for the best results. The source of hire measure indicates how many candidates each of your sourcing channels has brought in. Job boards, recruiting firms, the company’s career portal, and employee referrals are examples of sourcing channels. You may use Google Analytics to track the sources of hire, which shows what draws people to a job posting.

recruitment metrics

Sourcing channel effectiveness is a recruitment metrics indicator that shows which sourcing channel offers you the most likely and prospective prospects over a specific time. To put it another way, it tracks conversion rates by channel.

You can use these recruitment metrics to determine which hiring methods are the most effective and valuable. Employee referrals, for example, are effective, while job boards are not. Your new hires from those sites tend to leave quickly. What’s going on here? Perhaps the job description is deceptive. You may try updating it and keeping an eye on the measure to see how it evolves.

The cost-efficiency of a sourcing channel used to source personnel is called sourcing channel cost. It means the money you spent on these sourcing channels to advertise. To figure out how much it will cost, divide the ad budget per platform by the number of people who applied for your job.

Application process metrics

You can use these figures to determine how candidates apply for positions, how many people compete for a position, and what percentage of those that apply to accept your offer.

Applications per opening reflect the popularity of a job by showing how many people apply for it. If it’s high, it doesn’t necessarily imply that you have a lot of qualified candidates. It could indicate that your job description is overly broad and that you should rewrite it. A thorough job description will aid in the recruiting screening process.

The ratio of interviews to hires compares the number of job interviews done with the number of candidates hired in the end. It aids in evaluating a recruiter’s success in terms of new hire sourcing and screening. If a recruiter conducted interviews with four candidates before making an offer to one of them, the rate could be approximated to be 4:1. This metric’s golden mean is 3:1.

The acceptance rate of offers is the percentage of candidates who accepted your employment offer. To figure it out, divide the number of accepted job offers by the total number of job offers made in a given time.

Offer acceptance rates are recruitment metrics that can assist you in enhancing your employment strategies and investigating why they’re so low. Why do job hopefuls turn down employment offers? What if you rearranged the work schedule and increased the pay? Or should you increase the speed with which you make offers to avoid losing talented prospects to competitors? You can improve the acceptance rate of job offers by changing the hiring process.

The selection ratio is a measurement and one of the recruitment metrics of how competitive your job openings are. You can divide the number of hired employees by the total number of candidates that applied to get this number.

Metrics to measure recruitment effectiveness
e learning in education

These are the primary recruitment metrics used to evaluate the effort and money spent on hiring new personnel.

Time to fill is the average time it takes to find and hire a new employee to fill a job vacancy. It’s calculated based on the number of days between posting a position and employing an applicant. This measure is updated every three months.

To figure it out, divide the time spent filling vacancies by the total number of positions. According to the SHRM survey, the average time to fill a post is 42 days. However, this figure is only indicative of industries and businesses in general.

It becomes more significant when counted and applied to a specific firm or position. Filling frontline positions, for example, can take as little as a few days, whereas finding a product owner for an IT firm could take much longer.

The number of days between the initial contact with an applicant and the day they accept a job offer is the time to hire. The time to hire differs from the preceding statistic in that it indicates how quickly your HR team recognizes the best candidate. In 2018, the global average time to hire was 38 days. Figures, on the other hand, differ by industry.

Recruitment funnel effectiveness is used to evaluate how things are going throughout the recruitment process. It’s also known as the ‘yield ratio.’ These recruitment metrics display how many candidates make it through each round. Application, resume screening, phone screening, applicant evaluation tests, interviews, and job offers are typically included in these stages. You can use this statistic to estimate recruitment performance and show it to the board of directors in plain numbers.

Cost per hire

These recruitment metrics are the average cost of a recruit at your organization. To figure it out, multiply the total recruitment costs by the number of individuals hired in a given period. What can you include in your recruitment costs list? Recruiter pay, employee referral bonuses, agency fees, travel and relocation, applicant tracking systems, additional software, and advertising and recruiting event expenditures are all factors to consider.

How Can You Use an LMS to Boost Recruitment Metrics?
13 great benefits of online learning

A learning management system aids in the management of the complete training process, including the storage of resources, the enrollment of learners, the assignment of courses to them, the collection of training results, and more. The suitable LMS is like a reliable assistant for HR: it relieves you of tedious, repetitive work and allows you to focus on employee development. It allows employees to fit training into their schedule by making online courses and tests handy and accessible.

PlayAblo is an online platform that may help employees get the training they need at every step of their careers. You can use it to deliver knowledge to big groups and assess new hires in any role. Let’s now check out the different ways via which an LMS can boost recruitment metrics in a firm:

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement along with sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Accelerate the onboarding process

Assume you’ve hired a new salesperson. If they have no prior experience, it will take some time and the help of a coworker to teach them how to operate a sales portal. Instead, you may use an LMS to upload an online course or a video instruction on using the same. Assign new hires to complete the forms on their smartphones before their first day on the job. In this manner, they’ll be ready to work right away, and you will significantly reduce your induction period.

Increase the size of your new recruit training program

In the LMS, you may also include mandatory training resources. Online courses can convey workplace safety standards, company policies, or work instructions. The LMS allows you to reuse them for new onboards again and over. You can use an authoring tool to create online courses with quizzes and publish them to the LMS.

Ensure cultural compatibility
identify the informal group from below

Create and share courses about your company’s history, mission, and corporate culture with your new hires. During the pre-boarding step, you can upload these courses to an LMS and invite candidates to take them. You might add interviews with your staff in these courses, in which they can share their experiences and success stories. This can assist you in recognizing people who will fit in and provide future employees with a taste of your organization.

Perform pre-employment screenings

By testing your prospects’ knowledge and abilities, you can improve the screening process. Candidate tests in the LMS will assist you in identifying skill gaps and determining how to proceed with the hiring process. A full-fledged eLearning platform will provide you with all of the necessary response statistics with ease.

Assign courses that are specific to the job

Isn’t it true that you desire to collaborate with highly qualified individuals? Department heads do not want to redo work because of insufficiently skilled workers. It should therefore come as no surprise that you should train your employees. Adequate employee training can help workers improve their abilities, reduce churn, and promote loyalty to the organization. Sales, marketing, and customer support teams will benefit from online classes.

Create executive learning paths

Executive training takes a long time and should be done systematically. Putting courses into a single aligned program for them is entirely possible with an LMS. A learning track is a collection of courses, quizzes, and other content.

You should include the following in a learning path for new executives:

  • Course in corporate communications. In a business, this is referred to as “the rules of the game.” The corporate communications course will teach you how a firm operates, communicates, and builds its brand. It could, for example, include the company’s email policies regarding attachments and format, as well as other details.
  • Materials are highly valued in the business world. These can take the shape of welcome courses that communicate the company’s core values.
  • Course on product knowledge. Executives usually take these courses slowly (up to a year), and they may not be as function-oriented as courses for the bulk of employees.
  • Face-to-face meetings in the interim. These are held on a regular basis, at least once a week, in order to “feel the pulse” of top talent onboarding.
Make the onboarding process more efficient by automating it
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A good LMS keeps all of the necessary training resources in one place, relieves the HR department of repetitive responsibilities, and makes things easier. You only need to set up specific procedures once, and the LMS will take care of the rest. 

You can automatically generate groups of users and enroll them in courses by creating rules. You can, for example, require all recruits to enroll in an onboarding course as soon as they are added to the “interns” group. Additionally, if you need to teach employees regularly to renew their abilities, the system may automate the re-enrollment process.

You don’t have to send notifications with an LMS manually. They’re computer-assisted and can even be used during live training sessions. Add a new event to the built-in calendar with a single click and set a reminder. The system will send out notifications to the event’s participants. If the training time or location changes, make the necessary changes, and the participants will be alerted in advance.


To introduce new blood and ideas into your organization, you must recruit. Recruitment metrics can help you figure out how successfully you’re attracting and retaining new employees, as well as how candidates perceive your firm. You can improve this if recruits are properly pre-boarded and onboarded. An LMS ensures that courses are delivered quickly on any device and that your new hires have a positive training experience.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement along with sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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