
What is hands-on tactile learning, and why is it so critical? Well, let’s start from the beginning. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, the abrupt move to remote employment has provided chances for employees of all age groups to experiment with novel learning modes.

In 2020, the growth of virtual learning for elementary and middle schools, universities, and organizations was unbelievable. Even though the outbreak was the impetus for this spike in remote learning, it’s evident that it’s here to stay, particularly for non-degree, upskilling-focused courses.

Anant Agarwal, founder, and CEO of online learning platform edX stated: “We saw a 15-fold, not 15%, a 15-fold increase in the number of new learners registering on edX during the month of April 2020. And in fact, for the year through November 2020, compared to the year through November 2019, the number of new registrations on edX went up by 161%.”

The primary reasons behind this transition are increased unemployment during the pandemic — who started taking online classes amid their job hunt and others who began realizing the importance of up-skilling.

This shift to digital training may seem frightening, but studies consistently show that it may be just as successful, if not more, when compared to traditional classroom learning.

Furthermore, blended eLearning that combines interactive, instructor-led training (ILT) with online classroom learning is even more effective. This form of virtual education can benefit technologists trying to improve their skills in essential areas.

Despite the benefits of eLearning, it has one significant drawback: it frequently lacks hands-on, tactile learning opportunities. According to Pluralsight’s 2021 State of Upskilling report, which polled over 600 tech professionals and managers, 81 percent of engineers believe that tactile learning helps them solidify their skills.

Several of the most incredible learning experiences for technicians allow them to learn by doing. This is why hands-on, tactile learning is so vital for upskilling.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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What’s the significance of tactile learning?

tactile learning

The phrase tactile learning can be confusing. It was previously most typically characterized as a project-based style of learning that encourages individuals to do tasks on their own. 

However, modern tactile learning is essentially actively learning via practical learning activities. As the name implies, hands-on training allows the learner to engage tactilely with the subject material.

It’s challenging to get rid of the idea of people sitting in front of a computer monitor, passively consuming material with no meaningful involvement.

Moreover, because the educator — not the trainee — is responsible for guiding education, digital-first training frequently results in rote memorization. If no possibilities for kinesthetic learning are provided with these learning media, webinars and podcasts may fit into this category.

Hands-on, tactile learning has proven to be more successful than exclusively lecture-based instruction. It is because hands-on teaching methods encourage deep understanding and the formation of links between principles and application.

The urge to study while doing is essential for technical skills. Imagine learning to drive a car by reading guides, surfing the web, and hearing to podcasts. You may believe you know everything, but only when you sit in the driver’s seat will you understand if you can practically apply the acquired theory.

According to the State of Upskilling survey, hands-on, tactile learning is the favored learning method for those wishing to develop their tech skills.

According to those polled, Tactile learning lowered the length of time necessary to acquire a new skill. Furthermore, 76 percent of tech specialists said that having hands-on educational activities within their firm improved their work satisfaction.

So, what does practical hands-on, tactile learning entail? It includes instructor-led training, lab-based studying, and on-demand skill-developing options for mastering tech skills. It also entails evaluating learning understanding to observe skill development in action.

ILT is a crucial foundation for many other forms of learning. However, this does not have to imply one-way interaction. The asynchronous concept of learning in digital classrooms can contribute to a disinterested student. If done correctly, ILT can help address this gap in specific instances.

Learners will be able to participate in two-way communication with the trainer and their colleagues while moving along with supervised experiences in real-time during a perfect instructor-led online session. This approach allows for an immediate response, cooperation, and engagement.

Online learning’s asynchronous format can be a drawback, but it is still one of its strengths. Flexibility is crucial for learners who want to develop their skills.

Digital labs and simulation environments can aid self-paced, hands-on tactile learning. Learners can connect with practical implementations of IT skills through these learning experiences.

Strategically designed virtual labs can stimulate critical thinking, whether packet sampling to identify a new security concern or improve your software to follow the latest design pattern. Simulation environments can also support deep learning while allowing learners to develop, modify, and test the limits of an environment’s abilities.

A practical method for skill enhancement also must focus on self to track progress. Assessing your learning abilities enables you to see where your talents are lacking to tailor your experiential learning to cover the gaps. This concept is similar to conventional pre/post tests you may have encountered in elementary school.

However, in digital learning, these tests are frequently linked to credentials that might help you advance your profession.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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How to empower learners through tactile learning?

Factory worker or engineer do machine job in adept manufacturing workshop Premium Photo

Upskilling your workers will never be more crucial at the corporate level. According to a McKinsey survey, 87 percent of managers and executives believe their companies are already experiencing or will have skills gaps over the next 5 years. However, upskilling is primarily in the power of the trainee, which is why it’s essential to meet participants where they are and create educational opportunities that suit them.

Tech leaders must ensure that their people are empowered to fulfill their professional and personal objectives. A significant element of that is continuous learning. This can give you a sense of strength because you know you’re prepared to learn the abilities you’ll need to adjust to new responsibilities and tasks.

Employees eager to experiment with new techniques and with a passion for learning frequently outperform their peers.

Technology managers must understand this need for knowledge and create opportunities for upskilling through hands-on methods. It isn’t enough to merely acquire new information since upskilling is the lifeblood for both individual technicians and larger organizations.

Both trainees and supervisors must take a more proactive — not reactive — significant role in the success of their training and skill development efforts and establish conviction in their unique capabilities in an ever-changing distant educational environment.

How can you further utilize the benefits of tactile learning?

Chocolate manufacturing factory production beans roasting grinding sifting melting bars forming machines isometric background flowchart illustration Free Vector

The easiest method to figure out which actions are most beneficial in different situations is to experiment with them safely. If you’re thinking about establishing corporate training in your company, here are six reasons for the tactile learning method.

Professionals learn best through practice

People rarely learn to drive a car or communicate in a different dialect by seeing somebody else do it or listening to anyone teach it. So, why then do we attempt training in this manner? When you develop any hard or soft skills with a hands-on approach, you’re using the learning method that grownups prefer. People can learn by doing, practicing, and interacting with the tactile learning content while receiving rapid feedback.

Perhaps your staff requires communication training to improve their written or verbal communication skills. It’s tough to improve your communication skills without putting them into practice. A tactile learning method helps your employees modify behavior or master a skill by putting what they’ve learned in training into practice in a low-risk setting where they may gain confidence and receive in-the-moment mentoring.

Tactile learning hones problem-solving skills

You can study a hundred times how to tackle a scenario. Recall how you were taught to halt, fall, and roll to escape a fire? Despite this, most people get nervous once they are caught on fire. You can’t be confident you’ll follow the directions you believe you know since you’ve never practiced them when you’re not presented with a situation in real-time.

Perfection comes with practice. Participants are presented with problems, often multiple at once, using tactile learning strategies. Because time may be accelerated quickly, individuals can see the results of their choices in seconds rather than months. This exercise enhances problem-solving abilities that you can use in several scenarios.

Hands-on tactile learning is incorporated into a variety of staff training approaches. Simulation games are by far the most productive. Simulation games are internet-driven events that allow employees to improve their management, collaboration, and problem-solving capabilities. Business simulations can assist employees in understanding their organization or sector, educate new executives, and develop transferable skills.

Employees find tactile learning engaging and interesting

While most individuals are encouraged by the prospect of improving their talents, the procedure itself can be tedious. Experiential learning, a widespread hands-on, tactile learning practice, eliminates boredom by delivering a comprehensive, realistic, exciting, and engaging experience. Excitement and enjoyment have been shown to promote motivation for learning while also improving focus and knowledge retention.

People can build their talents together and reap the instant rewards of understanding how those abilities lead to success through an excellent holistic learning experience. Since the tactile learning method can breathe life into the instruction and motivate learners to connect with colleagues to improve their capabilities and performance – which eventually translates to enhanced coordination on the job – it’s extremely useful for team development.

Almost each learning style gains from tactile learning

Learning is not a one-size-fits-all process; various people prefer to learn in distinct ways. Some students may benefit most from seeing a presentation of the notion, while others may choose to explore the significance and its theoretical background. Since it enables all learners to interact with the subject in the most meaningful manner, a tactile learning approach serves a wide range of educational preferences.

When learners may interact with the information in the most suitable method, for instance, originality or imagination training is more effective. The hands-on approach includes plenty to choose from, whether discussing the material, drawing it, or thinking critically through it.

Tactile learning instills confidence in employees

Conventional training techniques deliver information, but it’s uncommon for trainees to take that material back to their work and practice it immediately. A tactile learning approach to training, on the other hand, allows employees to come back to work with new habits that have an immediate influence on the effectiveness because they were performed during training.

Hands-on instruction integrates significant work tasks while removing the risk of trying out new behaviors on the field by masking the link between the assigned task and the actual workspace with a theme. This form of instruction is more prone to instill the necessary conviction to change. Trainees can leave courses with the resources, tactics, and planning processes they need to instantly and effectively integrate their expertise back on the job.

Training continues into the workplace

Tactile learning is enjoyable, but the shared character of the activities enhances their efficacy and encourages discussion and continuous learning even after the course is completed. Employees are eager to share their acquired knowledge and experience, which has the potential to motivate and involve other workers. Such a kind of impetus can significantly improve the efficiency of your training, which is precisely what any learning and development expert wants to witness.


A hands-on, tactile learning approach to corporate training is practical as it helps people acquire knowledge and implement and practice new abilities in a secure atmosphere. Workers take an active part in the process rather than idly attending a lecture that they will soon forget. Hands-on, tactile learning promotes information retention and fosters long-term behavioral change, resulting in instant performance gains and progress.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, along with assessments and gamification features, ensures learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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