
When you re-skill and up-skill your employees to increase their on-the-job productivity and effectiveness, blended learning solutions can help meet the specific demands of each individual — especially when it concerns compliance training.

Each training program must focus on learner motivation and engagement. Instruction in compliance adherence is renowned for its bland nature. In such cases, blended learning solutions assist your L&D team in dealing with compliance training, which includes rules, work-related standards, data protection legislation, and guidelines, in a compelling way — to render it incredibly immersive, comprehensive, and effective.

In this article, we’ll look at how blended learning may be used to design appealing compliance training courses.

How does blended learning work?

blended learning solutions

To simplify learning and simplify complicated topics in a more palatable and unforgettable way, blended learning mixes conventional instructor-led classroom instruction with innovation-based eLearning.

Online training programs include self-paced, customized mobile learning, coupled with skill-building exercises, gamified elements, videos, webinars, tutorials, and so forth — to enable your employees to learn at their individual pace, in contrast to classroom instruction, which includes role-playing scenarios and face-to-face interactions.

What are the benefits of blended learning solutions?

Combining conventional instructor-led learning and elearning provides essential training tools to cater to the specific requirements of trainees and renders training exciting, valuable, and compelling.

As a valuable tool for learning inside and outside classrooms, blended learning creates experiential learning tailored to each learner’s preferred learning style. It is significant and valuable because it provides a dynamic time period for accessing the courses from any location at any given time, allowing the student to take advantage of in-person guidance and evaluation.

Several notable benefits of blended learning include:

  • It combines the benefits of traditional and web-based training methods to boost engagement and improve memory.
  • It delivers education using a wide range of tasks and learning modalities.
  • It offers training materials that are both incredibly adaptable and less expensive.
  • It emphasizes in-depth learning and simplifies complicated ideas more memorably.
  • It involves enjoyment and interest.
  • It decreases anxiety and boosts efficiency.

Creating effective compliance training programs through blended learning solutions

blended learning solutions

Before moving on, let’s take a quick look at the definition, examples, and advantages of compliance training. Compliance training ensures that workers’ security and integrity are maintained by ensuring every staff member knows the pertinent laws, rules, and guidelines that control a company’s operations.

Instruction for compliance adherence is distinct from training for all purposes. It often involves a wide range of duties, regulations, and procedures. Everything revolves around establishing and upholding a fair, moral, and secure working atmosphere.

Typical compliance training examples involve occupational health and safety instruction, anti-harassment, medical processes, cybersecurity education, data security, information privacy, and diversity.

The appropriate administration of an organization is ensured by practical compliance training, which helps avoid unsatisfactory employee behavior. It increases output while requiring reduced monitoring because workers will know their roles and limitations. Additionally, compliance training reduces danger and improves the working environment.

In addition to improving staff abilities, effective compliance training shields a business against many administrative, regulatory, and legislative infractions. Although compliance training may appear unattractive and dull, blended learning technologies can transform its dry character and make it enjoyable.

Now that you understand the benefits of blended learning and compliance training, let’s check out some common compliance-related issues that can be addressed with hybrid solutions.

Typical compliance training problems which blended learning can address

blended learning solutions

Successfully ensuring compliance is never easy. The mere fact that your workers can memorize the regulations does not guarantee that they will be followed. or simply that they can comprehend or use them in a real-world situation.

It is theoretically resolved by blended learning solutions, as the principles can be learned digitally and applied offline. However, how might this idea be applied in reality rather than just in theory? Below are the principal compliance training difficulties which blended learning approaches can resolve.

Implementation concerns

You have most likely heard people talk negatively about the subjects they hated when they were young adults. Even today, they may want to understand why they were never allowed to apply such painful topics in their professional lives.

Similarly, learners may regard some compliance learning content as theoretical information they will rarely apply in real life. They become disinterested and quit focusing on it as a result. To solve this issue, deliver hands-on demonstrations of crucial compliance concepts during face-to-face practice sessions.

If learners disregard the instruction to change their email login password every six months, hold a live classroom demonstration to breach their email. Also, highlight the possible corporate ramifications in addition to just revealing unflattering images.

A sealed-in organizational learning culture

Let’s expand on the aforementioned illustration. Assume that the instruction on password protection is being provided for the IT division. To keep up with the pace of cyber criminals, they regularly update their personal credentials.

However, they unintentionally alter somebody else’s while altering their own, shutting that individual out of his or her own profile. IT professionals attempt to repair things themselves since their job is so repressive that they’re afraid to acknowledge they’re wrong.

They are charged with business espionage after breaking into the aforementioned locked password. Just because there was nowhere for them to ask. Make sure your environment is inviting and accessible, and ensure that your instruction includes a significant amount of troubleshooting. The most critical IT skill in this situation appears to be — how to secure credentials.

However, if employees cannot receive this instruction in a secure environment, they might accidentally corrupt billions of dollars worth of sensitive information. To prevent these errors, blended learning technology promotes a more encouraging and transparent training atmosphere.

Insufficient assistance from coworkers

blended learning solutions

Unfair rivalry is a problem that arises in workplaces. It typically results in business interference, which ultimately harms everybody. Establish teamwork among your staff as you instruct them on the purpose, goal, and ethos. Suggest strategies for pushing forwards without necessarily stepping on one another’s toes.

Employ gamification techniques — both digitally and in-person — to constructively harness their competitive nature. As an illustration, competitive campaigning for a charitable organization is contrasted to lying one way up the corporate ladder.

Group projects with thoughtful design are also beneficial — the sort in which everybody is given a task they are skilled at instead of relying solely on the overachieving employee. Each group member can complete their piece alone while working online, allowing them to deliver their project during their physical class meeting subsequently.

A lack of line management

Although your coworkers have a variety of specific skills, your leaders — assuming they were chosen based on qualifications — possess more knowledge than you. Your manager may be able to assist in certain situations that your colleagues cannot.

Simply stated, they lack the necessary clearance to assist you. Having stated that, your workplace ought to be friendly. The workforce must feel at ease approaching bosses for assistance. They need to be aware of who to contact and not consider themselves a burden.

Identify a managerial or technical member of the team as a backup. This individual would be warm, approachable, and skilled at communicating. Provide this trainer with appropriate online and offline accessibility. They may set aside specific times during which they are accessible. They won’t have to answer queries every f10 minutes thanks to this. That might make it difficult for them to perform their own duties, which wouldn’t benefit the organization or even their personal sanity.

Zero safety nets

Employees generally commit errors while working because of ignorance rather than disobedience. Put bluntly, they were unaware that they had been breaking the law since they lacked any prior experience to draw from. They only had the academic knowledge they had received during the previous ILT class as a source of information.

They have the capability to put their information and spot shortcomings in a secure setting thanks to blended learning technologies. They can sign in to your LMS for hybrid learning and participate in simulated scenarios or exercises. This enables people to gain lessons from their mistakes so that they don’t make the same ones again in the workplace.

To get any questions answered, they can connect with their colleagues and managers through live sessions or in-person meetings. Since individuals receive peer-based safety nets and real-world assistance resources to improve their overall experience, there is no justification for breaching the law.

Important blended learning techniques for developing interesting compliance training programs

blended learning solutions

Let’s now discuss how you can use blended solutions to deliver compliance training — since you have an idea of how mixed approaches can address many of the roadblocks associated with compliance-related instruction.

Ensure that learners comprehend the program’s goals

Participants will better grasp the value of instruction with precise and quantifiable learning results if session goals are defined explicitly in advance. This blueprint clarifies and streamlines trainees’ learning process to benefit from compliance fully.

Develop courses that combine offline and online learning

Combining regular classroom instruction with high-tech eLearning to optimize learning performance is among the main benefits of good compliance training. Participants can work together with their educators or get guidance and assistance if and when they require it. It increases the efficacy of compliance training programs and increases training ROI.

Make absolutely sure your program engages employees

More consideration should be given to how interactivities are implemented and how the instructional material is designed to get eye-catching details on the entire learning program. Compliance training can be delivered interestingly and efficiently by using the correct combination and diversity of technology-driven and instructor-led active learning. For instance:

  • Utilize quick videos to offer training quickly.
  • Use examples from real life to make the education more relevant.
  • To encourage and interest students in education, include interactive simulated situations and game-based modules.

Complete pre-tests to determine learners’ levels of proficiency

It is preferable to do a pre-assessment to determine the learners’ degree of technological proficiency to develop adaptive curriculum layouts and multi-platform-friendly learning. This is beneficial since it identifies what knowledge students possess and what they’re yet to acquire.

Organize a welcome webcast

Conducting a webinar or a webcast is a terrific method to familiarize learners with digital training courses without running the possibility of issues. It’s a fantastic approach to motivate learners and discuss their problems with technology, so they are equipped for the future.

This clears up tech-enabled misunderstandings, creates excitement, and reveals an opportunity for people to study in a manner that is more effective for them.

Reiterate the purpose of training

Using a combination of conventional and contemporary technological learning approaches, convey to trainees the significance of compliance training programs. You can utilize strategies like eye-catching pamphlets, banners, quick movies, social networks, and so on — to highlight the significance of learning.

Once employees comprehend the benefits of following laws and guidelines for not only themselves and the business but also for clients, they will be more inclined to get involved and pay closer attention.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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Compliance training programs have served as a crucial advantage in ensuring that employees follow corporate policies, laws, and standards and deliver high-quality output. Efficient, engaging, and relevant training courses are encouraged by developing blended instructional strategies suitable for your curriculum design.

Training programs that are efficient and responsive can be promoted by using appropriate approaches like using enticing posters, brief videos, workshops, the internet, story-telling, video-based instruction, scenario-based evaluations, and mLearning. You can also contact our expert team at PlayAblo if you want more insights into compliance training and blended learning solutions.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!