mLearning Strategy

As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, it’s essential to explore the role of mobile devices in corporate learning. So, do you have a mLearning strategy in place? If yes, is your current mobile learning strategy up to the mark?

You should have concrete answers to these questions to stay ahead of the curve. Why? The world of learning is evolving every day, and your firm needs to keep pace accordingly. But there are still some shortcomings in corporate L&D — as revealed by recent studies.

According to research by Brandon Hall Group, only 50% of companies have optimized their mobile learning content, with only 25% of learners accessing learning via a mobile device.

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The low adoption of mobile learning can be attributed to a combination of factors. Firstly, people have historically used mobile devices for non-work activities rather than work-related tasks. But the pandemic has led to increased use of mobile devices for work purposes. Secondly, low user adoption is the biggest challenge facing mobile learning.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Learning?

Mobile learning offers several benefits, such as improved engagement and better retention of information. The global mobile learning market is expected to grow to $155.81 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 30.12%.

Despite these benefits, there are still challenges to the widespread adoption of mobile learning. For example, a report by Deloitte found that organizations often struggle with determining the appropriate use of mobile technology in learning and development, as well as ensuring the security of sensitive information on mobile devices.

It’s clear that the potential of mobile learning is vast, and it’s crucial to explore both the benefits and challenges. The following section will discuss critical mLearning strategies to overcome these barriers and how to implement mobile learning effectively in your organization.

How Does Mobile Learning Support Remote Work?

mLearning strategy

The benefits of mobile learning for remote employees are numerous, with increased accessibility, improved engagement, increased convenience, and better retention of information being some of the key advantages.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Increased Accessibility

Mobile learning allows learners to access information and training materials anytime, anywhere, providing them with greater flexibility and convenience. This is particularly important for individuals who need to fit learning into their busy schedules or for organizations with a dispersed workforce.

Improved Engagement

Mobile learning enables trainees to interact with training materials in various ways, such as through videos, games, quizzes, and simulations, leading to higher levels of engagement and motivation. Research has shown that mobile learning can increase engagement by as much as 72%.

mLearning strategy
Source: Course Method

Increased Convenience

Mobile learning removes the requirement for employees to attend traditional classroom-based training, saving time and resources. It also enables employees to access training materials on demand, eliminating the need to schedule time for learning.

Better Retention of Information

Mobile learning allows learners to interact with training materials in various ways, leading to better engagement and increased knowledge retention. Research has shown that trainees retain as much as 60% more information when learning through mobile devices than traditional learning methods.

What Are the Primary Challenges to Adopting an Effective mLearning Strategy?

mLearning strategy

Implementing a full-proof mobile learning strategy has the potential to transform traditional learning methods, offering greater accessibility, engagement, ease, and retention of knowledge. Nevertheless, implementing mobile learning is not without its challenges, with several widespread barriers to adoption.

Let us delve into some major obstacles to mobile learning, including technical obstacles, organizational culture, cost considerations, and security and privacy concerns.

Technical Obstacles

Technical difficulties can pose a considerable challenge in adopting a mobile learning strategy, with many organizations facing issues in deploying and managing such programs. This includes challenges with content compatibility, device compatibility, network reliability, and technical support requirements.

According to a survey conducted by Brandon Hall Group, 43% of organizations identified technical challenges as a hindrance to mobile learning adoption.

Organizational Culture

Transforming your organization’s culture to adopt mobile learning can be challenging, as some employees may resist change or doubt the advantages of acquiring knowledge through smartphones. 38% of organizations list cultural resistance as a barrier to adopting an m-learning strategy.

Cost Considerations

The cost of establishing and maintaining a mobile learning program can be substantial, particularly for smaller organizations. This involves expenses such as content creation, hardware and software upgrades, and technical support.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Security and privacy are of utmost importance for your organization, particularly when it comes to fully executing mobile learning strategies. This includes worries about data protection, the privacy of information, and the confidentiality of sensitive details.

How to Implement Mobile Learning in the Workplace?

mLearning strategy

Your organizations must adopt a proactive approach to tackle these challenges head-on to ensure the successful implementation of an mLearning strategy. You can start by developing effective mobile learning strategies to address each barrier, including technical obstacles, cultural resistance, cost considerations, and security and privacy concerns. Let’s check out how.

Technical Solutions

If facing technical obstacles, consider adopting a “mobile-first” approach in designing and developing content specifically for mobile devices. Ensure the content is compatible with various devices and platforms and has sufficient technical support resources. Additionally, consider using learning management systems (LMS) designed specifically for mobile learning.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

Creating a Culture of Learning

Creating a culture of learning within your organization is essential to overcome cultural resistance. Encourage employee engagement by promoting the benefits of mLearning, using gamification, and integrating mobile learning with other training programs. This will align with your overall learning and development strategy and foster a culture of learning.

Cost-effective Mobile Learning Solutions

Cost considerations can be a major barrier, but you can overcome it by exploring cost-effective solutions such as cloud-based LMS, open-source solutions, or off-the-shelf content. Consider also using free resources like social media to support your mobile learning strategy. You can achieve your goals by being cost-effective while significantly reducing the costs associated with mLearning.

Implementing Security Measures

Security and privacy are critical in mobile learning, especially regarding sensitive information. To overcome this barrier, you must implement robust security measures such as encryption, secure data storage, and user authentication. By taking these measures, you can protect sensitive information and build trust with your employees and stakeholders.

What Are the Best Practices When Designing a mLearning Strategy

When it comes to implementing an effective mobile learning strategy in your organization, there are several options available to you. It’s essential to have a well-thought-out framework to ensure successful deployment and minimize potential stress. These guidelines will assist you in crafting a customized and effective mobile learning strategy:

mLearning strategy

User-centered Design

To make the most of mobile learning, it’s essential to keep the user experience at the forefront. This means adopting a user-centered design approach that takes into account the unique needs and behaviors of mobile learners.

Ensure the mobile learning experience is easy to use, visually appealing, and engaging. This can include using interactive elements, multimedia, and gamification techniques. By focusing on the user, you’ll create a mobile learning experience that’s more effective and enjoyable.

Content Optimization for Mobile Devices

Content optimization for mobile devices is essential to making the most of mobile learning. This means creating content designed for mobile devices that’s easy to read, navigate, and engage with.

Consider using responsive design to ensure the content is optimized for different screen sizes and devices. Try including multimedia elements like videos, images, and animations to help keep learners engaged.

Integration with Other Learning Tools

Integrating mobile learning with other learning tools, such as classroom training, e-learning, and performance support, can help to maximize its effectiveness. By providing multiple learning channels, you can create a more holistic learning experience that meets the diverse needs of your learners.

Consider also integrating mobile learning with your organization’s existing learning and development programs and systems, such as your LMS and HR systems.

Ensuring Your Company is Prepped for HTML5 and Mobile

mLearning strategy

To make the content compatible with mobile devices, it must be HTML5-friendly (whether native or not). Consider these crucial questions before proceeding:

  • Does your LMS support and distribute HTML5 courses and content?
  • Is your company’s standard browser compatible with HTML5? (IE 8 does not fully support HTML5)

If the answer to either of these questions is no, it doesn’t rule out mobile learning but limits how you can use mobile elements. Other factors to consider:

  • Can users access content on mobile devices through your firewall with personal or company-issued devices?
  • What changes are necessary to make it secure yet accessible?
  • Does your learning library have a lot of Flash content?

Updating it to HTML5-ready formats, deploying mobile learning strategies with new courses, and updating the library later may be more effective.

Designing Content for Specific Devices

Not all content is suitable for mobile devices, which have different advantages and limitations than desktops. Mobile content should be short, easy to access, and legible, and work with minimal interaction. Consider the best device for each type of content:

  • Desktops and laptops are best for in-depth learning, long content, complex graphics, and high interactivity
  • Tablets are suitable for WBT, depending on complexity and interactivity
  • Phones are ideal for short content such as refreshers, performance support, simple graphics, podcasts, and social interactions.

Content must work on various browsers, operating systems, and device brands, each with its interface. To ensure compatibility, design with all device limitations in mind and balance them. Keep content simple for maximum compatibility.

Note: Some interactions that work on desktops may not work on mobile devices. Design with simplicity and clarity, such as a clear visual design with minimal text, to make content effective across devices.

Tracking and Measuring Effectiveness

To ensure that your mobile learning program is delivering the results you’re looking for, it’s crucial to track and measure its effectiveness. This can be done using a range of metrics, such as course completion rates, learner engagement, and knowledge retention.

Use analytics tools to collect data and use this data to improve the mobile learning experience continuously. By tracking and measuring the effectiveness of your mobile learning program, you can ensure that you’re making the most of your investment and creating a more effective learning experience for your learners.

By following these best practices, you can create an effective mobile learning program that meets the needs of your learners and drives actual business results. Remember, mobile learning is not just about technology, it’s about creating a learning experience that’s accessible, engaging, and effective.

By focusing on the needs of your learners and making the most of the technology available, you can create a mobile learning program that delivers real results for your organization.

The Future of Mobile Learning and Its Impact on Organizational Training

mLearning strategy

The future of mobile learning is promising, with many technological advancements and an increasing adoption rate. Here’s what you can expect to see in the future of mobile learning:

  • Advancements in technology: Mobile technology is constantly evolving, and with it, the possibilities of mobile learning are endless. Expect to see continued advancements in areas such as virtual and augmented reality, providing new and immersive ways to learn.
  • Increasing adoption: With the rise of remote work, mobile learning is becoming more essential in order to keep up with the needs of a mobile workforce. As such, you can expect to see an increase in the adoption of mobile learning across organizations.
  • Integration with artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn, and mobile learning is no exception. AI-powered personalization, real-time data analysis, and automation are just a few ways AI will shape the future of mobile learning.
  • Emerging trends: As with any field, the world of mobile learning is constantly changing. From gamification to micro-learning, there are a number of emerging trends that are sure to impact the future of mobile learning. Stay tuned for exciting developments in this field.

By staying informed about these advancements, you can ensure that your organization stays ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of mobile learning.

Wrapping It Up: Incorporate Mobile Learning into Your Overall Learning Strategy

Mobile devices offer new ways to interact with learners but don’t just jump in without a strategy. Integrating mobile elements into your existing training can enhance the content, provide insight into learners’ challenges, and increase the impact of blended learning courses.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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