
Have you ever noticed a trend among your top competitors and the industry’s leading performers? Chances are, they are constantly seeking out new opportunities to learn and improve their workforce’s skills. Now, imagine if you could provide that same drive for L&D (Learning and Development) to all of your employees. A company that prioritizes corporate training as a job-related learning perk can see increased employee satisfaction, motivation, and, ultimately, business success. In fact, L&D job perks have become the new trend now — and are expected to extend in the future. So, let’s dive into this in more detail.

The Significance of Highlighting Corporate Training as a Learning Perk

learning perk

You are always looking for ways to attract and retain top talent as an employer. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing job market, offering a comprehensive benefits package is not enough. A recent survey found that over 70% of employees would consider leaving their current job for one that offered better learning and development opportunities. This highlights the growing importance of employee instruction as L&D job perks.

L&D programs not only help workers by assisting them in acquiring new skills and advancing their careers but also offer numerous benefits to employers. For example, companies prioritizing L&D tend to have higher employee retention rates and lower turnover costs. This is because employees feel valued and invested when they have opportunities to grow and develop professionally.

In addition, L&D programs can also have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line. A study found that companies with robust L&D programs experience 37% higher productivity and a 58% more likely to possess futuristic skills.

Learning Perk
Source: joshbersin.com

This saves the company money in the long run and helps maintain a competitive edge in the job market by attracting top talent. The same report also highlights that high-performing organizations are
3x more likely to have a strong learning culture.

Learning Perk
Source: joshbersin.com

It’s important to note that simply offering L&D opportunities is not enough. To make learning truly indispensable, L&D job perks must be integrated into the company culture and seen as a priority. This means providing diverse and relevant learning opportunities, encouraging and supporting employee participation, and providing adequate resources.

We’ll explore the tactics on how to make learning and development attractive L&D job perks. But first, let’s refresh our minds with how L&D impacts your employees and your firm.

Here are some of the critical benefits of L&D for employees:

L&D Benefits for Employees

learning perks

Career Advancement Opportunities

L&D programs allow employees to acquire new skills and knowledge that can help them advance their careers. For example, an employee who learns a new software program or language can become a valuable asset to their current team or even move into a higher position within the company. By offering L&D opportunities, employers can give their employees a clear path to career advancement and help them reach their professional goals.

Skill Improvement and Relevance to the Current Job Market

In today’s rapidly changing job market, employees must improve their skills to remain relevant. L&D programs provide them with the opportunity to do just that. By offering courses, workshops, and training programs, you invest in your staff’s professional growth and help them to remain competitive in the job market. Whether employees are looking to acquire a new skill, update their knowledge in a particular area or broaden their skill set, L&D programs give them the resources and support they need to succeed.

Improved Job Satisfaction and Motivation

In addition to helping workers advance their careers, L&D programs can improve their overall job satisfaction and motivation. When they have opportunities to learn and grow, they feel valued and invested by their employer. This can increase job satisfaction and a more substantial commitment to their role and the company. Additionally, participating in L&D programs can give professionals a sense of personal accomplishment and happiness as they work towards achieving their professional goals.

Increased Salary and Benefits

Participating in L&D programs can also lead to increased salary and benefits. By acquiring new skills and advancing their careers, employees increase their market value and become a more valuable asset to your company. This can result in salary increases, promotions, and improved benefits. Moreover, employees are positioning themselves for long-term career success and financial stability by continually improving skills and staying relevant in the job market.

L&D Benefits for Employers

Learning Perk

Improved Employee Retention and Reduced Turnover

Offering L&D programs can help improve employee retention and reduce turnover. Employees who feel that their employer is investing in their professional growth and career advancement are more likely to feel satisfied with their job and committed to the organization. Additionally, providing L&D opportunities can help employees feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Investing in L&D programs can also lead to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace. When employees have the opportunity to learn new skills and improve their knowledge, they can work more effectively and efficiently. This can result in improved performance, increased productivity, and more effective use of resources within your organization.

Better Company Image and Reputation

Offering L&D programs can also enhance your company’s image and reputation. By demonstrating your commitment to your employee’s professional growth and development, you can establish a positive image and reputation within your industry and among your employees. Additionally, employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be loyal and advocate for the company, helping to improve your company’s overall image and reputation.

Increased Competitiveness in the Job Market

Finally, L&D programs can help your company remain competitive in the job market. By offering opportunities for employees to learn and grow, you can attract and retain top talent, improve employee satisfaction and performance, and enhance your company’s image and reputation. Additionally, investing in L&D programs can help you stay ahead of the competition and remain a leader in your industry.

As you can see, there are numerous advantages to transforming corporate instruction into invaluable learning perks. In fact, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) conducted research and found that 67% of HR functions have experienced increases in their budgets to support L&D initiatives for their employees.

Amid the Great Resignation, spending money to train employees who may be heading out the door can
seem a risky investment, and inadequate training budgets are another common barrier to offering L&D opportunities (cited by 33% of HR managers). Still, more than two-thirds (67%) of organizations expect their learning and development budget to increase in the next year, and 57% say the budget has already increased since the pandemic began, suggesting that organizations are viewing L&D as an important potential business strategy in this competitive environment.

In today’s job market, workers seek employers who value their professional growth and personal development. As a result, L&D programs must be strengthened, adequately funded, and tailored to the needs of each individual learner to drive talent acquisition, growth, and retention within organizations. Let’s now check out a few key strategies to make your L&D offerings stand out as a critical differentiator for attracting and retaining top talent in your organization.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

6 Smart Ways to Make Corporate Training Invaluable L&D Perks

Learning Perk

Providing Diverse and Relevant Learning Opportunities

Offering a wide range of L&D opportunities is crucial in today’s fast-paced business world. It is essential to remember that different employees have different learning styles, preferences, and career goals. By providing diverse learning opportunities, you show your employees that you value their individual needs and aspirations. Some examples of diverse learning opportunities include:

  • On-the-job training and mentoring programs
  • Formal classroom-style training sessions
  • Virtual or online training programs
  • Professional certification programs
  • Attendance at industry conferences and workshops

It is equally important to ensure that the learning opportunities you provide are relevant to your employees’ current job roles and the job market. Only then will it count as quantifiable L&D job perks.

Integrating L&D Into the Company Culture

L&D should be a core aspect of your company culture rather than an isolated program or initiative to render it a learning perk. Encourage your employees to prioritize learning and create a culture where personal and professional growth is valued and supported. Some ways to integrate L&D into your company culture include:

  • Making L&D a part of employee performance evaluations
  • Offering flexible schedules to accommodate learning and training activities
  • Encouraging employees to share their newfound knowledge and skills with their colleagues
  • Offering incentives and recognition for participation in L&D programs

Using Data to Arrive at Decisions

Learning Perk

By incorporating data into your L&D strategies, you can make informed decisions that align with your organization’s goals and meet your employees’ needs — thereby turning into learning perks. To achieve this, Northeastern University recommends the following five steps to become a data-driven L&D organization:

Embrace your mission, identify data sources, establish key performance indicators, clean and organize the data, analyze it, and communicate the results.

First, it is crucial to understand the mission of your organization and the desired outcomes for the organization and its employees. This can be achieved by engaging with the management and business units and gathering employee feedback through surveys, social media posts, and focus groups.

Next, you must define your data sources, including qualitative and quantitative data, and establish key performance indicators to measure success. These KPIs might include each employee’s adoption rates, engagement levels, and growth metrics.

Organizing and cleaning the data is another crucial step, which can be facilitated by dedicated L&D data scientists and Experience API (xAPI) to track daily learner data.

Once the data is analyzed, patterns and gaps can be identified, visualized, and communicated in a compelling way that highlights both the needs of the employees and the organization’s goals.

In summary, by becoming a data-driven L&D organization, you can make evidence-based decisions that effectively meet your employees’ needs and drive your organization’s success — thereby delivering indispensable and attractive learning perks.

Encouraging and Supporting Employee Participation in L&D Programs

Encouraging and supporting employee participation in L&D programs is vital to ensuring the success and effectiveness of your initiatives — so that they count as valuable learning perks. Some ways to do this include:

  • Offering flexible learning options, such as online courses or self-paced training programs, to accommodate employees’ schedules and learning styles
  • Providing opportunities for employees to share their feedback and suggest new L&D initiatives
  • Encouraging employees to attend industry events and conferences to stay up-to-date on industry developments and build their professional networks
  • Offering financial support for employees to pursue relevant certifications or degrees

Making Learning Relevant to Your Business

The most successful L&D teams are those that align their learning efforts with the organizational goals and business unit objectives. By recognizing the needs of purpose-driven Gen-Z learners, these teams can effectively link the purpose of learning to both business goals and individual ambitions. As an L&D leader, you can help align your L&D strategies with the business purpose by clearly defining and communicating your team’s mission in terms of organizational goals and purpose.

Then, select learning opportunities that directly support those goals and clearly explain how they will benefit both the employee and the organization — finally serving as L&D job perks. The learning offerings should provide value to both the individual and the company as a whole.

Providing Adequate Resources and Support for L&D Initiatives

Investing in L&D initiatives requires a commitment of time and resources and a clear understanding of what success looks like. Some ways to provide adequate assistance for your L&D initiatives to qualify as learning perks include:

  • Allocating a portion of your budget specifically for L&D initiatives
  • Hiring a dedicated L&D professional or team to manage and implement L&D programs
  • Utilizing technology, such as learning management systems and virtual collaboration tools, to enhance the effectiveness of your L&D programs
  • Regularly reviewing and evaluating the success of your L&D initiatives and making adjustments as necessary

Wrapping It Up

As a company, investing in L&D initiatives can be the key to unlocking a more engaged, motivated, and productive workforce. By providing diverse and relevant learning opportunities, integrating L&D into your company culture, encouraging and supporting employee participation, and providing adequate resources, you can make L&D an indispensable learning perk.

It’s a win-win situation for both employees and employers, with employees benefiting from career advancement opportunities, skill improvement, increased job satisfaction and motivation, and increased salaries and benefits. In contrast, employers enjoy improved employee retention, increased productivity and efficiency, better company image and reputation, and increased competitiveness in the job market.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your company to the next level and provide your employees with valuable and unique benefits. Embrace the trend and make L&D an indispensable learning perk for your organization. Your employees, and ultimately your bottom line, will thank you for it.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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