
Would the rise in microlearning usage imply that macrolearning may gradually be phased out for all corporate training requirements? Not exactly. In this essay, we will examine the benefits of both strategies and whether and how the two can be combined to give training that significantly influences the workforce. Let’s begin by firstContinue Reading


New hire orientation training is a practice of acclimating new employees to their positions and workplace culture. New recruits acclimate to the organization, department, coworkers, and work roles through orientation training. Orientation Training for New Employees: Meaning Numerous advantages are offered by a successful orientation training program, not only to the individual butContinue Reading


Hermann Ebbinghaus was the first to propose the spacing effect in learning in 1885. It implies that training is a progressive procedure with multiple learning sessions — that ought to be spread out over time rather than trying to overload learners’ receptors with knowledge all at once. As a result, when utilized inContinue Reading


Many employers occasionally provide their staff with specific training programs regardless of the industry. Learning objectives aid in maintaining the aim of training initiatives and help participants understand the value of L&D. In this post, we’ll explain what learning objectives are and demonstrate how to construct practical team goals using illustrations. TheContinue Reading

learning objectives

Can a butterfly in America spread its wings to trigger a typhoon in China? Apparently, it can. According to the Principle of Chaos and the much-discussed Butterfly Effect, small shifts in the starting circumstances can significantly impact the outcome. The digital butterfly effect has more recently come to represent how seemingly insignificantContinue Reading

learning objectives

Assessing your organization’s L&D requirements from the perspective of participation, productivity, and efficiency criteria requires the use of a corporate training audit. This blog will outline essential ideas, methods, and tactics for evaluating your L&D activities. Occasionally, it’s a wise option to evaluate your firm’s initiatives in terms of development and growth. WhileContinue Reading

Mobile Learning - Micro Learning - Gamification

What is the power triad in eLearning, and what is its significance? One learning technique might not be sufficient to meet your training objectives and keep your learners interested. This post will demonstrate how mLearning or mobile learning, microlearning, and gamification—the power triad—can support the creation of holistic educational experiences. OrganizationsContinue Reading


As talent retention continues to be a problem for businesses, HR executives should consider all available options to lower their organization’s turnover rate. Employee analytics may be able to raise those figures. HR executives may utilize employee analytics to increase diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) and pinpoint areas with higher-than-average departureContinue Reading