blockchain in elearning

Did you know? Up to 82% of employees prefer a blended learning environment over a traditional one. Blended learning, as the name suggests, is a combination of eLearning, instructor-led training, and performance support. What is blended learning? Blended learning combines the best elements of both worlds: traditional face-to-face classroom trainingContinue Reading


You’ve been assigned to create your first training course, and the deadline is approaching quickly. So, what’s next? That’s a bit abrupt beginning sentence for an article, but that’s how it can seem when you get your first eLearning content production project. Where do you begin? What kind of finalContinue Reading


Everyone handles a negotiation differently, whether they realize it or not. Depending on the situation and the person’s level of bargaining abilities, people will intuitively default to the negotiation skills strategy that seems most comfortable to them. While you may have a default negotiation style, once you know what approachContinue Reading