
Corporate training managers must provide possibilities for further training and advancement to create a happy, productive workforce. Unfortunately, many employees and managers regard training as tedious or superfluous. Let’s face it: Corporate training can be tedious, but only when you choose the wrong types of training for the topic orContinue Reading

Hard Skills Training

What are hard skills training programs? Well, before getting there, let’s address this question first: what are hard skills? Employers need individuals with a combination of soft and hard talents. While your team can apply soft skills to various vocations, hard skills are necessary to complete a specific task. Sales,Continue Reading


According to a study by MIT Sloan, a controlled 12-month soft skills training trial in five separate factories delivered a 250 percent ROI in just eight months. Their soft-skills training, such as problem-solving and decision-making, increased productivity, increased the efficiency of complex activities, and improved employee attendance. In fact, masteryContinue Reading