corporate training (Page 4)


Employees are taught the abilities, expertise, and skills necessary to carry out their responsibilities through on-the-job training, aka OJT, for short. OJT strives to train staff members in a setting where they can use all the acquired skills and competencies. It moreover involves the usage of the machinery, tools, expertise, andContinue Reading


As per a recent survey, 66% of recruiters admit that bias is a critical problem in tech recruiting. To take a step in addressing this issue, technical leaders who are having trouble meeting tech recruiting targets or implementing strategic diversity, equality, and inclusiveness programs should examine their screening methods more closely.Continue Reading


In the midst of a self-learning workshop, have you ever thought, “It is the maximum fun I have experienced during any training session”? Don’t you agree? But we guess that notion has come up during brainstorming, a team training exercise, or when listening to somebody at a convention. What do you reckon caused that? What prompted the change?Continue Reading