
In this blog, we will discuss the major concepts defining computer-based training. We will also illustrate its upsides and downsides. Toward the end, we will explain how to implement this approach in your firm if it’s the appropriate learning methodology for your employees.

Prior to the advent of the World Wide Web, ed-tech had already taken its first giant step into the future. People have been aware of computers’ capacity for instructional use since they were built in the dimensions of a tiny room. They started experimenting with it and formulating strategies on how to utilize it to improve the learning process for people.

Personalized instruction had, by that time, gained support from numerous ground-breaking learning theories. Compared to teacher-led classroom processes, it was an entirely different strategy. Learners and trainees would engage with the coursework without supervision, take quick quizzes, or get automatic feedback to monitor their development.

However, applying personalized teaching strategies to big classes of students was still challenging. That was facilitated for the very first time by computer technology. Software developers rapidly created the original computer-based training system by fusing modern technology with earlier futuristic predictions. After then, events developed naturally!

Computer-based training aka CBT: Its definition

computer-based training

The CBT long form stands for computer-based training, commonly referred to as computer-based learning or computer-based instruction. It is a collaborative educational process without a teacher.

In real life, students use computers to connect with a variety of learning materials. Computer-based curricula can take many distinct forms. They could be micro-world exercises, multimedia-enhanced manuals, practice exercises, or demonstrations. Computer-based training products are used to provide the course materials. Learners must be able to utilize such software in order to view and participate in these events.

CBT has been in existence as long as there have been computer systems. But, pre-existing customized learning strategies are where CBT’s origins can be found. For example, guided instruction or mastery learning share a few of the fundamental traits that characterize computer-based training:

  • Providing knowledge in manageable, step-by-step bits.
  • Periodically asking trainees to reply to a lecture, maybe by taking quick quizzes.
  • Giving employees feedback on their answers or general development.
  • Enabling students to move at their pace through courses.
  • Determining the knowledge requirements for continuing to the following lesson.

After the 1960s, training programs that gave the trainee complete control were ultimately made possible by fusing such techniques with software applications. Eventually, when software for computer-based training advanced, CBT could also be delivered locally using local networks.

The expense of designing, creating, and putting it into practice was still rather high. Because of this, computer-based learning from that timeframe tends to focus on certain applications, such as teaching individuals how to utilize software programs.

Things were again pushed ahead in the 1990s as web usage grew in popularity. Now that the internet exists, computer-based training may be offered online to students everywhere.

Web-based training, online, virtual, or digital learning, and eLearning: A brand-new approach to CBT

mock for cbt

Web-based training, aka WBT, is technically a form of computer-based training.  However, if we needed to distinguish between both, we would refer to “computer-based training” in the conventional sense and concentrate on its distinctive characteristics. This implies:

  • The huge possibility for user interaction that is offered by WBT’s online framework.
  • Anytime and anywhere training using a browser.

Web-based training sessions are easily available on all kinds of gadgets and connected devices because of contemporary browser-based software. WBT can connect individuals worldwide and bring scattered trainees and trainers together through eLearning, thanks to internet technology.

With WBT’s interactive, communication-based, and teleconferencing features, instructor-led training, group workshops, seminars, and numerous hybrid-learning situations are all feasible.

Web-based training courses deliver flexible, media-rich knowledge that can be imported from different websites or integrated natively. That information is constantly being updated and improved — even when instructors or employees are learning.

Software-based learning that is safe and consistent

Computer-based Training

Computer-based training courses, in contrast, are offline, individualized, and self-paced activities. These are software-based, exempt from bandwidth requirements, connectivity concerns, and online diversions. In fact, courseware was the previous term for this type of content.

Their information is included in the CBT desktop application, and any updates necessitate the assistance of the creator. Since user contact or mixed learning scenarios are not possible with computer-based education, CBT programs are standardized and only cover topics that trainees can study independently.

Computer-based educational software that is installed locally is only accessible on-site by authenticated persons. As a result, it has no impact on infrastructure security. Additionally, computer training that is delivered offline is less flexible, convenient, and trendy than training that is delivered online nowadays.

However, training a sizable number of staff members on the job is a tried-and-true strategy for businesses of any kind or scale. CBT is easy to use, quite safe, and able to deliver quick, noticeable benefits — a potential upside for any business that genuinely invests in employee training.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
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What are the primary benefits of computer-based learning?

cbt training

A professional computer-based training program can require much more effort and time to create and implement than traditional instructor-led programs. Companies must create the fundamental framework for their platform and assemble a skilled team of specialists to install it.

Nevertheless, if they execute it correctly, they will quickly experience the advantages of computer-based education over the long run.

A cost-effective approach

Using customized CBT technology to provide corporate training courses may seem rather expensive as an initial impression. Customized computer-based education programs, meanwhile, can prove incredibly effective and significantly lower training costs.

A firm’s basic and advanced recurring training requirements can be satisfied by specially created computer-based training software. Doing so does away with the necessity for and expense of conventional training techniques.

Computer-based instruction can accommodate an infinite number of staff members and is constantly available. These employees receive their training on business property, for as long as necessary, without ever having to leave the office. That entails no additional expenses and no missed work time.

CBT training is a long-term expenditure that can help businesses cut costs associated with hiring instructors, renting classroom space, paying for travel, and purchasing instructional materials.

CBT is adaptable and effective

cbt stands for in computers

Corporate training inside a classroom may be a tedious, time-consuming procedure for employees and employees frequently, with dubious outcomes.

With CBT, your learners may maximize their learning time, finish their coursework at their individual speed, and concentrate on any skill gaps they may have. They receive helpful comments as they move along their educational journey to rectify or inspire them. Computer-based training gives workers a degree of control over their own learning. Employee satisfaction and long-term retention rise when learners have more influence over their learning.

Companies can build up a round-the-clock training center with sophisticated performance monitoring and assessment features, thanks to cutting-edge computer-based learning software. Using measurable results, employers can assess their training programs and improve their efficiency.

CBT is uniform and standardized

Since trainers might be unpredictable or simply frequently change, the very same lessons are typically provided in different ways to various trainees in conventional training programs.

The same way that courses are delivered online is through computer-based training packages. The lessons cover the same material, and the preliminaries, self-check problems, and post-lesson tests are all identical. Consequently, even if they must go back and redo a program, all workers are involved with identical learning materials and make advancements simultaneously.

Instructors devote all of their energy and time to ensuring that CBT courses are current and effective because they are no longer required to give numerous classes to exhausted employees.

How to develop a successful computer-based training program for your firm?

Computer-based Training

As we previously indicated, businesses must assemble specialists from various sectors in order to maximize the potential of a computer-based learning program. These include creating educational content, visual and UX development, programming skills, and more.

A group of professionals may create a well-designed, effective training program that is suited to the needs of the firm by working together effectively. They must mix all or some of the following approaches to do it.


A tutorial is a typical format for a computer-based lesson. That could be philosophical, such as how a collection of rules helps a business operate in the long term, or pragmatic, such as how to put together a gearbox. A tutorial may use audiovisual and other multimedia presentations to convey content in a lecture-style setting. Between parts, quick examinations with a few questions can appear to let the learner assess their performance and repeat as necessary.

Practice and drill

Drill and practice sessions are frequently included in CBT courses. These brief, repeating assignments are meant to encourage the student to put into practice what they just learned. In this approach, whether they’re learning a new ability or a new phenomenon, learners are better able to remember what they acquire through repetitive action. Toward the end of a training program, the fundamental reflexes that have been acquired via drill and practice may also prove helpful.


Creating simulated learning environments with well-designed computer-based instructional technology is another approach to getting the most out of it.

Through simulations, your employees can virtually experience real-world scenarios. In order to enhance their abilities or learn new ones, individuals can roam around and engage with their digital environment there. Curriculum designers can improve students ’ engagement and learning outcomes by introducing strategies like gamified elements into the modeled experience.

Putting learners in charge of situations they have only previously read about theoretically is yet another effective method to employ virtual settings for instruction. These simulations are mentioned in a lot of well-known computer-based training instances. These include of instructing individuals on how to use heavy machinery (such as cranes) and automobiles (such as airplanes), as well as how to perform tasks in dangerous areas like oil rigs.


Exercises that require your workers to solve challenges are a crucial part of training programs because they foster critical thinking. Learners must deal with challenges or problems throughout the curriculum. They must first tackle these issues by making rational decisions, adhering to instructions, and applying their recently learned information.

By doing so, trainees are better able to comprehend complex learning content and develop their ability to make decisions while working.


Specially created games may also be included in CBT sessions. They can then use the learners’ natural competitiveness to increase participation and knowledge recall.

Educational games challenge players to integrate what they’ve studied with their motor, perceptual, and cognitive abilities while also being highly entertaining. They must think immediately and take action when they encounter a variety of obstacles, riddles, or simulated combat in order to advance to the next level or earn the top rating.

A crucial component of cutting-edge computer-based learning software is gamification. When done correctly, it maintains students’ desire to achieve their learning goals and accomplish them with excellence.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!


CBT is a systematic, adaptable, and economical approach for businesses to offer self-paced, interesting instruction to their staff members on a consistent basis.

However, businesses must first give their employees the proper resources if they want to develop computer-based learning that finally succeeds. The continued success of a firm’s computer-based training course depends heavily on the choice of computer-based learning software.

The possibilities for your firm’s specially created training program are endless if you pick it carefully and utilize it to its fullest.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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