
Having top-to-bottom leadership buy-in is one of, if not the most crucial, components of an effective training program. Leadership support highlights the value of a program, increases accountability, and sets appropriate expectations and standards. The Association for Talent Development surveyed 575 corporations and concluded that businesses that spent on extensive training sawContinue Reading


The dashboard of any good LMS  has built-in notifications and reminder templates. Notifications serve a distinct purpose. Every step of the journey, an LMS’s architecture reduces manual actions. This idea extends to its notification functionalities. The majority of scenarios include ready-made configurations. Administrators can easily customize these templates by addingContinue Reading


In eLearning, online assessment questions are the most common method of assessing knowledge. However, one question type becomes monotonous for learners. For variety and enhanced engagement levels, PlayAblo supports different questions. We can also add images and videos to the questions. Let’s see how the platform enables content developers toContinue Reading


Technology advancements, digital shopping experiences, social media, and an abundance of real-time information sources have accelerated the evolution of how individuals learn about and interact with businesses. As the barrier between sales and CRM shrinks, it’s unsurprising that this trend affects the workplace. Employees want decentralized, flexible, and digital content-richContinue Reading


Gen Z employees do not possess the privilege of typical onboarding methods in today’s modern virtual work environment. As a result, they require an onboarding procedure to help them grow in their new position. Rather than meeting with their supervisors to understand the company’s processes, expectations, and culture, contemporary workers are frequentlyContinue Reading