micro-learning (Page 2)


The concept of micro-certifications, micro-degrees, and micro-credentials has been gaining popularity in the corporate world in recent years. These certificates, given to recognize an employee for learning a specific skill through a microlearning program, can greatly impact a company’s bottom line. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits ofContinue Reading


Would the rise in microlearning usage imply that macrolearning may gradually be phased out for all corporate training requirements? Not exactly. In this essay, we will examine the benefits of both strategies and whether and how the two can be combined to give training that significantly influences the workforce. Let’s begin by firstContinue Reading


Hermann Ebbinghaus was the first to propose the spacing effect in learning in 1885. It implies that training is a progressive procedure with multiple learning sessions — that ought to be spread out over time rather than trying to overload learners’ receptors with knowledge all at once. As a result, when utilized inContinue Reading


A substantial jump in online sales has highlighted one significant aspect — gaps in effectively keeping your hybrid salesforce motivated. As companies come out from COVID-19 constraints, many businesses are grappling with the issue of what their future working conditions will appear like. Many employees wish to work remotely for a part ofContinue Reading