
By utilizing tech to interact with and facilitate each employee’s particular academic requirements, personalized blended learning enables businesses to offer trainees customized experiential learning with minimal investment and hours. In other terms, rather than being a learning approach, blended learning serves more as a route to facilitate individualized instruction.

The 5 elements of personalized instruction which can be accomplished via blended learning will be discussed in this piece. The following sections then will cover 10 suggestions for personalizing blended learning programs.

How Can Blended Learning Drive Customized Training?

personalized blended learning

Dynamic Navigation to Provide Employees Authority Over Their Instruction

Certain training programs have a bad reputation for making participants go through stuff they might already know. Many learning experts view this as a poor practice and it applies to both ILT and eLearning.

What gives the impression that the instruction is tailored to the individual trainee? Flexibility — which gives individuals the most influence on their individual education.

Employees can move around and look at the teaching materials however they want to. They can even bypass any learning content that is irrelevant. Finally, they are able to learn at their own pace than one that is set for them.

Companies can provide a mix of ILT sessions — either in person or virtually — and self-paced training programs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach to instruction.

ILT sessions are always available for individuals who prefer conventional learning, and self-paced online courses are available for those who prefer to study as per their own schedules and their individual terms.

Participants can progress through the course at their own pace without needing to wait for their peers to catch up — thanks to self-paced eLearning course navigation panels can be used to construct classes with unrestricted accessibility. Learners can access whichever slideshows they desire in any sequence by selecting from the list.

This enables individuals to ignore material they already are acquainted with and concentrate just on material pertinent to their work tasks.

Immediate Exposure To Instruction Irrespective of Time or Location

Paper-based content, and also eLearning sessions occasionally, can be overly expansive, making finding the necessary info a little difficult.

Workers would prefer to gain rapid access to appropriate materials at appropriate moments, particularly once the course is over, to assist them in succeeding effectively in their professions in a fast-paced, time-constrained economy.

A customized blended learning approach assures that knowledge is arranged into manageable chunks for learners to readily find and consume, as opposed to making them slog through a mountain of teaching materials.

The fact that not each training material is available in a standardized style is among the main benefits of blended learning.

Companies can decide to provide accessible microlearning materials and work aids for better accessibility to the necessary content in addition to a combination of conventional ILT or VILT classes and self-paced online learning programs.

Whether the instruction is classroom-based or online, microlearning models can be utilized to condense critical details into PDFs, video clips, infographics, flow charts, graphs and charts, flip cards, simulated settings, and more.

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

For instance, you can outline the key ideas from class discussions and post these on the web or LMS as PDFs, presentations, visualizations, or podcasts. Through a simple search using their gadgets, learners can quickly find the appropriate job aid. One can do this to make stuff that isn’t accessible —searchable.

An added benefit of microlearning designs is that they are mobile-friendly, rendering them available on any platform that learners use.

To lessen the mental workload on their trainees, several businesses currently favor microlearning over extensive online classes. In reality, some educators are including microlearning curricula in their blended learning approach.

But if you believe that eLearning would improve your instruction more than microlearning, choose microlearning for productivity assistance.

Different Templates to Meet Diverse Participants’ Styles of Learning

customized blended learning

The distinctive learning preferences of each learner are typically not catered for in conventional learning models. Contrarily, a tailored learning environment makes sure that every trainee and their choices are taken into account by the instructor so that nobody feels excluded.

Learning materials can be arranged using customized blended learning to account for the preferences and needs of each adult learner. It provides you with the resources to create material that works with different learning styles.

An effective combination of educational multimedia can be made by combining online LMSs with the proper ratio of conventional in-person classrooms and eLearning:

If diverse training formats are the right fit for your company, it is a positive thing. Providing your trainees with information through a variety of styles aids in maintaining their interest in and motivation for the course.

Instruction That Is Customized to Each Employee’s Needs and Strengths

Individualized learning is highly adaptable to the growth of learners. In order to provide a genuinely personalized training program, custom learning pinpoints a learner’s current understanding, competence, interests, profile, and attitude and then guides them to assist them to understand the necessary information.

Here’s a potential situation for personalized blended learning. Participants complete a digital pre-assessment test to determine their inclinations and capabilities before any training ever starts.

Hence, rather than having each student go through the whole teaching curriculum in class, educators can use that time for clarification, mentoring, conversations, and one-on-one instruction.

A scored digital evaluation is then conducted after one or more self-paced eLearning sessions that offer an in-depth mastery of the topics. An LMS can be deployed to monitor learning activities, such as performance on pre- and post-training exams.

Consequently, the material may be further modified. Individuals may receive further instruction as necessary until they are proficient in the subject.

Additionally, utilizing the information from the LMS, educators can proceed to tailor the learning environment of the classroom. As a result of this technique’s ability to captivate students, they absorb material more quickly. Workers then put what they’ve learned into practice at work.

Liberty to Explore and Grow in Partnership With Coworkers and Peers

custom blended learning

The best strategy to increase knowledge transmission is actually through cooperative and social studying, which encourages students to be critical thinkers and focus on encounters outside that they have had.

Using custom blended learning, instructors can direct students to debate the training material on a chat forum or community via the LMS following a classroom lecture. Even flipped classroom formats are an option.

In this situation, students receive instruction beyond classrooms or VILT sessions, typically via video lectures or brief sequences, and then return to the class to internalize that information, possibly through problem-solving, dialogue, or discussions.

In this method, students learn to apply both their prior knowledge and what they have learned via training to create new data with their classmates rather than just mindlessly memorizing the material being presented.

Also with eLearning, trainees and their superiors or coworkers can collaborate. The inner social network of the company allows sharing, debates, and clarifying learning objectives. Communication between trainers and trainees, peers, and coworkers is facilitated by the use of videoconferencing applications like Skype, Zoom, Google, Hangouts, Teams, Google Meet, and others.

As you can see, the brilliance of custom blended learning lies in the fact that you receive all of the technological benefits without giving up the crucial human component. Your employees can explore digital resources at any time to enhance their eLearning experiences, but they will also receive the assistance and input they require from in-person education. But it’s crucial to understand how to combine these two strategies effectively. Let’s now go through 10 fast tricks for developing personalized blended learning programs, which work for business audiences.

10 Powerful Tips to Design Personalized Blended Learning Programs

personalized hybrid learning

Set Up Your Personalized Blended Learning Objectives Beforehand

You should have a solid knowledge of your goals before you can determine what software to utilize or how to effectively integrate your two learning methodologies. What are you hoping for your students to gain from the blended training session, specifically? Are they required to learn a certain talent?

Which are the most important lessons learners need to learn prior to exiting the class? What are the primary objectives and goals of your education? Each practice session and learning exercise you include in your customized blended learning programs should support these goals.

Detail the Use of Technology, Including When and How

Not only must you decide what tech, including computers, tablets, or smartphones, you will use, as well how or when you’ll be utilizing it. How will it integrate into your lesson plans? When is it going to be used as part of your entire custom blended learning approach?

For instance, would the students solely use their gadgets at their home, or will they employ them as supplementary learning resources in the class? Which is the key issue or difficulty in your teaching approach that technologies must solve?

Offer Timely Feedback

Regarding feedback, your employees can provide you with priceless knowledge regarding your personalized hybrid learning plan. In order to assess the advantages and disadvantages of your customized hybrid learning technique, encourage them to submit questionnaire forms.

To give them the best advantage, find out what they appreciate about the hybrid learning system and also what they believe should be enhanced. Additionally, let them know that you respect their feedback and offer them a direct avenue of communication, like email addresses or contact forms.

Make Personalized Blended Learning Courses That Offer the Best of Two Words

The combined instructional methods you create eventually need to flow into one another, regardless of if they are used in a physical or digital classroom.

Why don’t you encourage your students to watch recordings or read posts that will provide them with a step-by-step breakdown of the procedure associated with the task they will be performing in class?

For ensuring that they are completely ready before starting the combustion engine, for instance, they should research on the internet more about the principles or theories underlying a similar simulated experiment before gearing up for practical applications. You also can nudge them to join online forums where they can interact with others and share opinions and experiences.

Provide Supplementary Materials to Help People Understand the Information

In a personalized blended learning setting, tech does not need to take center stage. In reality, it may be a fantastic source of extra training resources that boost comprehension and memory.

For instance, if a trainee is having trouble understanding a certain concept, you can point him in the direction of online publications, films, seminars, and situations that can assist them. However, if a student is doing well and needs more info, they can advance their education by going online and using the eLearning resources.

To Pinpoint Areas That Need Work, Use Online Exams

customized hybrid learning

In comparison to conventional printed tests, the amazing feature of online evaluations is you are able to rapidly and easily gather a range of information. It is possible to determine the time your learners take to finish the quiz and how much time they spend on a particular question.

Additionally, grading is completed in a few seconds, providing trainers with extra time to offer customized guidance to their students.

Online tests offer you the best chance to pinpoint the area in which your students need to develop and afterward connect them to tools that can assist them to turn those problems into advantages.

Before Incorporating Online Exercises, Give Them Some Thought

There are differences between various online learning resources. Therefore, you must ensure that an internet activity fits the educational aims and goals before including it in your personalized blended learning approach.

It should also be engaging and participatory. A slide show, for instance, might be an additional tool for teaching your employees, but an immersive scenario might better engage and inspire them.

Establish a Strong System of Learning Support

You can provide more assistance and support for your trainees by integrating technologies into your personalized blended learning method for workplace training. While getting help in person can be very helpful, some students prefer the privacy of online help.

To get responses to their concerns and handle their issues, they can write an email, use an online form, and even post a comment on the discussion board. Additionally, since they are not required to wait till they come into the classroom, trainees now have access to more instant support resources.

Observe How Your Employees Are Progressing

Use evaluations and educational activities’ data to monitor learner progress. Pick some key areas to monitor during the personalized blended learning opportunity, including a specific set of skills or topic that needs work. This can make it easier to monitor quantifiable outcomes, which in turn helps to establish how effective your custom blended learning approach is.

Make Everything Simple for Everyone

Integrate online activities which are easy to access and also don’t require a high learning curve for keeping things simple. An activity will not be of much use to trainees if they cannot do it easily and quickly. Each individual in your community, not only the tech-savvy folks, should be able to use the tools you employ.

Summing It Up

Reap the maximum benefits from your employees’ training efforts by using these suggestions to create personalized blended learning programs that combine the benefits of in-person training and eLearning. Is an LMS required for this? Contact us now for a free trial of PlayAblo LMS!

Ad: PlayAblo’s Enterprise-Grade Micro-Learning platform is built for millennial learners. Micro-Learning, assessments, and gamification features ensure learning outcome measurement and sustained engagement.
Find out more and request a custom demo!

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