Compliance Training

Firms, across the globe, spend quite a staggeringly huge amount on compliance training efforts. Micro-learning programs, training courses, hotlines, or connected systems — developers design these processes to detect, prevent, and minimize violations of company policies. In fact, the regular MNC spends several million dollars annually on compliance. In highlyContinue Reading


As organizational L&D leaders, you know and appreciate that a solid marketing strategy is a crucial aspect of your business. On the revenue graph, you cannot reach points A to B without a proper plan. Harvard Business Review explains a thorough marketing strategy: “Good marketing management that directs clever strategiesContinue Reading

Compliance Training

“The corporate training market is expected to grow by USD 52.7 billion during 2020-2024, according to the latest market research report by Technavio” — as reported by Business Wire. The report also suggests that one of the trending concepts used by leading corporate training businesses is microlearning. Bite-sized learning addressesContinue Reading