eLearning quotes

Today, let’s kick things up a notch by pointing out that this blog is pretty informative. So take a print and get your highlighter. But wait! Do those yellow highlights really enhance your retention rates? No. That’s a learning myth we busted right here. As you can guess, the topicContinue Reading

eLearning quotes

eLearning for non-millennials: Let’s understand the nuances of designing a comprehensive program! A one-size-fits-all concept DOES NOT prove effective when it concerns generational diversity in your workplace. Recent statistics estimate that you can roughly segment the multi-generational workforce in the corporates as follows: Yes, there are five generations of employeesContinue Reading

eLearning quotes

Why should you track employee training progress? As per Guide2Research, LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Trends reports that “94% of employees would stay longer in companies that are willing to invest in their professional development.” All-inclusive career growth goes hand-in-hand with corporate training. But you are already aware of that, aren’t you?Continue Reading